
serve是什么意思 serve在线翻译 serve什么意思 serve的意思 serve的翻译 serve的解释 serve的发音 serve的同义词 serve的反义词 serve的例句

serve [sɜ:v]  [sɜ:rv] 


serve 基本解释


及物/不及物动词提供; (为…)服务; 任(职); 端上

及物动词招待; (为…)工作; 对…有用; 向…供应

不及物动词适合; 服役; 供职; [网球、羽毛球]发球

名词网球等发球; 发球权; 所发的球

serve 相关例句


1. He has served five years of his sentence.

2. My old car has served me well.

3. Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.


1. A simple example will serve to illustrate the point.

serve 情景对话



A:What can I get for you?

B:Do you serve any (draft beer/ snacks/ hot food)?



A:Another one (can’t hurt / might be useful/ could serve a purpose).

B:Well, buy it if you want to. It’s your money.


A:Good afternoon.


B:I'm Tom, Zhang. We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.


A:Yes, sir. This way, please. Here's your table. Is this all right?

B:Yes, it's nice, indeed. Thank you.


A:I'm so glad you like it. What would you like? We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.


B:What would you like, Mike?

C:I'll try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.

A:How about you, Mr. Zhang?

B:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.


A:Anything else?


B:What's your specialty today?

A:We have strawberries with cream today. I suggest you try them.

B:Good, I will.

serve 网络解释

1. 发球:现在,我的下一个目标是解决更加恐怖的发球(serve)问题了,我的发球动作从一开始就不标准,这其中最大的问题就是握拍方式,我无法采用大陆式握拍(continental grip),这无疑是致命的.

2. 招待:3 B 词义比较常识运用逻辑推理 商家做(make)好面条,叔叔买(get)来,然后煮(cook)好,最后晚餐招待(serve)我们. cook烹调, 煮;serve(为...)接待, 侍候, 招待,端上, 摆出(餐食),开(饭),上(菜),斟(酒make制造;get获得,买到.

serve 词典解释

1. 为…服务;为…效力;为…效忠
    If you serve your country, an organization, or a person, you do useful work for them.


    e.g. It is unfair to soldiers who have served their country well for many years...
    e.g. I have always said that I would serve the Party in any way it felt appropriate.

2. (尤指在部队)服役;(在政府部门)任职
    If you serve in a particular place or as a particular official, you perform official duties, especially in the armed forces, as a civil servant, or as a politician.

    e.g. During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command...
    e.g. He also served on the National Front's national executive committee...

3. 用作;可当…使用;充作
    If something serves as a particular thing or serves a particular purpose, it performs a particular function, which is often not its intended function.


    e.g. She ushered me into the front room, which served as her office...
    e.g. I really do not think that an inquiry would serve any useful purpose...

4. 供应(某地或某人);为…提供服务
    If something serves people or an area, it provides them with something that they need.

    e.g. This could mean the closure of thousands of small businesses which serve the community...
    e.g. ...improvements in the public water-supply system serving the Nairobi area...

5. 对…有用;能满足…的需要;符合…的利益
    Something that serves someone's interests benefits them.

    e.g. The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people...
    e.g. They may well decide that their interests would be best served by joining in.

6. (给…)提供,端上(食物);上(菜);开(饭)
    When you serve food and drink, you give people food and drink.

    e.g. Serve it with French bread...
    e.g. Serve the cakes warm...

7. (食物的量)足够…吃
    Serve is used to indicate how much food a recipe produces. For example, a recipe that serves six provides enough food for six people.

    e.g. Garnish with fresh herbs. Serves 4.
           配以新鲜香草,4 人份。

8. 接待,服务,招待(顾客)
    Someone who serves customers in a shop or a bar helps them and provides them with what they want to buy.


    e.g. They wouldn't serve me in any pubs 'cos I looked too young...
    e.g. Auntie and Uncle suggested she serve in the shop.

9. 送交(令状等);把…送达
    When the police or other officials serve someone with a legal order or serve an order on them, they give or send the legal order to them.

    e.g. Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order...
    e.g. Police said they had been unable to serve a summons on 25-year-old Lee Jones.
           警方说他们无法传唤 25 岁的李·琼斯。

10. 服(刑);当(学徒)
    If you serve something such as a prison sentence or an apprenticeship, you spend a period of time doing it.


    e.g. ...Leo, who is currently serving a life sentence for murder...
    e.g. He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch.

11. (在网球、羽毛球等比赛中)发球
      When you serve in games such as tennis and badminton, you throw up the ball or shuttlecock and hit it to start play.


      e.g. He served 17 double faults...
             他有 17 次双发失误。
      e.g. If you serve like this nobody can beat you.

12. (某些球类比赛中的)发球
      When you describe someone's serve, you are indicating how well or how fast they serve a ball or shuttlecock.


      e.g. His powerful serve was too much for the defending champion.

13. see also: serving

14. 咎由自取;罪有应得;活该
      If you say it serves someone right when something unpleasant happens to them, you mean that it is their own fault and you have no sympathy for them.

      e.g. Serves her right for being so stubborn.

相关词组:serve outserve up

serve 单语例句

1. He broke back but then surrendered his serve again in the fifth game.

2. Teachers push students to master technical showpieces by rote to impress judges at nationwide competitions that serve as entrance exams for top schools.

3. Council members will choose a cabinet to serve with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

4. Cai ordered Chinese players to prepare a least two sets of serve during the Chinese teams'secluded training last months.

5. To serve, cut the ice cream cake into wedges and top with Chocolate and Peanut Butter Sauce.

6. Chinese ports serve as important departure points and destinations for summer cruise voyage in Asia, and also major ports of call for winter cruises.

7. Hillary believed the turn around in her campaign was partly due to her emotional speech pledging to serve the people.

8. But the Canadian held serve and Zheng quickly gave Wozniak three break points, finally surrendering the match with a forehand return that went long.

9. The surplus cannot serve as a sustainable capital source for serious illness insurance.

10. The spokesman says the current Cabinet will serve in what he called a caretaker capacity until a new government is formed.


serve 英英释义


1. (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play

    e.g. his powerful serves won the game

    Synonym: service


1. put the ball into play

    e.g. It was Agassi's turn to serve

2. do duty or hold offices
    serve in a specific function

    e.g. He served as head of the department for three years
           She served in Congress for two terms

3. provide (usually but not necessarily food)

    e.g. We serve meals for the homeless
           She dished out the soup at 8 P.M.
           The entertainers served up a lively show

    Synonym: serve updish outdish updish

4. help to some food
    help with food or drink

    e.g. I served him three times, and after that he helped himself

    Synonym: help

5. mate with

    e.g. male animals serve the females for breeding purposes

    Synonym: service

6. deliver a warrant or summons to someone

    e.g. He was processed by the sheriff

    Synonym: processswear out

7. do military service

    e.g. She served in Vietnam
           My sons never served, because they are short-sighted

8. work for or be a servant to

    e.g. May I serve you?
           She attends the old lady in the wheelchair
           Can you wait on our table, please?
           Is a salesperson assisting you?
           The minister served the King for many years

    Synonym: attend towait onattendassist

9. be used by
    as of a utility

    e.g. The sewage plant served the neighboring communities
           The garage served to shelter his horses

    Synonym: service

10. devote (part of) one's life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas

    e.g. She served the art of music
           He served the church
           serve the country

11. be sufficient
      be adequate, either in quality or quantity

      e.g. A few words would answer
             This car suits my purpose well
             Will $100 do?
             A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school
             Nothing else will serve

      Synonym: sufficedoanswer

12. contribute or conduce to

      e.g. The scandal served to increase his popularity

13. promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to

      e.g. Art serves commerce
             Their interests are served
             The lake serves recreation
             The President's wisdom has served the country well

      Synonym: serve well

14. serve a purpose, role, or function

      e.g. The tree stump serves as a table
             The female students served as a control group
             This table would serve very well
             His freedom served him well
             The table functions as a desk

      Synonym: function

15. spend time in prison or in a labor camp

      e.g. He did six years for embezzlement

      Synonym: do

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