
sexy是什么意思 sexy在线翻译 sexy什么意思 sexy的意思 sexy的翻译 sexy的解释 sexy的发音 sexy的同义词 sexy的反义词 sexy的例句 sexy的相关词组

sexy [ˈseksi]  [ˈsɛksi] 


sexy 基本解释

形容词性感的,色情的; 引起性欲的; 诱人的,迷人的; 时髦的

sexy 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 很性感:在英文里也有形容女人为 tigress (母老虎) 这么生动有趣的用法,但是英文里的 tigress 指的是一个女人很性感 (sexy),而非很凶悍 (tough) 的意思,这跟中文里对「母老虎」的解释相差十万八千里.如果你是要形容泼妇,

2. sexy

2. 最性感:西方国家,特别是美国,首选的软件和呼叫服务中心外包地;印度和美国渐行渐近的战略伙伴关系(很大程度上是出于钳制中国的共同地缘战略需要进而衍生出对西方世界和媒体来说最性感(sexy)的一个话题:中印比

sexy 词典解释

1. 性感的;引起性欲的
    You can describe people and things as sexy if you think they are sexually exciting or sexually attractive.

    e.g. She was one of the sexiest women I had seen...
    e.g. It was a wonderful voice which women found incredibly sexy.

He says I don't dress sexily enough.
Our image of sexiness is changing.

sexy 单语例句


1. They have already enjoyed huge success with their album Tangled Up, with Call The Shots and Sexy No No No both topping the charts.

2. Madonna the singer is known as a chameleon, morphing from sexy outfits and suggestive lyrics to Eastern mysticism and Judaism.

3. The duo dressed in sexy leather and studded outfits for the shoot, with Gaga wearing metal chains and Beyonce sporting a tight black jumpsuit and chauffeur's hat.

4. More upbeat was USA Today which hailed an evening of " cheeky and challenging theater " complete with " sexy but age appropriate " costumes.

5. The video " Sexy Chick " features scantily clad women dancing at a pool party with a Buddha statue visible in the background.

6. Their final choice depends on the quality and price of the cars, rather than the sexy models draped over them.

7. She has also designed sexy evening dresses in rich organza, and a range of chunky gold metal necklaces.

8. Whether or not female civil servants should be allowed to wear sexy clothes has become a subject of heated debate.

9. Critics say the design of the pack makes smoking look elegant, sexy and classy.

10. The Colombian singer and songwriter dominated the recent Latin Grammys in New York by winning four awards and dazzling spectators with a sexy live performance.

sexy 英英释义


1. marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest

    e.g. feeling sexy
           sexy clothes
           sexy poses
           a sexy book
           sexy jokes

2. exciting sexual desire

    Synonym: aphrodisiacaphrodisiacal

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