
shaped是什么意思 shaped在线翻译 shaped什么意思 shaped的意思 shaped的翻译 shaped的解释 shaped的发音 shaped的同义词 shaped的反义词 shaped的例句

shaped [ʃeɪpt]  [ʃept] 


shaped 基本解释


形容词合适的; 成某种形状的; 有计划的; 有目标的

动词成形(shape的过去分词和过去式); 发展

shaped 网络解释

1. shaped的翻译

1. 形状:但由於蓝宝石基板导热性不佳,当操作在高电流下,容易於接面处堆积大量的热能而导致元件特性变差. 为解决热对发光体的影响,本论文将氮化镓薄膜转移至具有高电导率、高热传导率的金属铜基板上. 图1-8 不同晶粒形状(Shaped)之发光二极体 55

2. 成形:桌(椅)裙(apron)有平面(plain)或成形(shaped)两种. 蝴蝶页(Butterfly)折迭餐桌、门腿型(gatelegs)折迭餐桌、碗柜(cupboards)、碟柜(hutches)及干水槽(drysinks)也常具美国殖民风格. 有些美国殖民式的 occasional tables系从原来的蝴蝶页折迭桌及门腿折迭桌改造而成.

3. 形成:现代的组织学习理论(organizational learning)将组织视为分配知识的体系,在这个体系中能力通过知识交流而得以形成(shaped). 在社会的层面上,文化演变的过程就是知识积累与传播的过程.

4. 成型:2)人们对社会现实认识的建构(constructed)与成型(shaped)是通过语言文字与符号进行的. 3)符号(signs)比语言更能恰当地表达社会生成意义(socially produced meanings). 有时图象符号比语言更确切,更通用.

shaped 词典解释

1. 具有…形状的;呈…形状的
    Something that is shaped like a particular object or in a particular way has the shape of that object or a shape of that type.


    e.g. A new perfume from Russia came in a bottle shaped like a tank.
    e.g. ...oddly shaped little packages.

shaped 单语例句

1. The court is divided into two halves, with each goal surrounded by two'D'shaped areas.

2. But sometimes the views of the majority can be shaped by such fears and they can then mistake a good project for a bad one.

3. Perfectly shaped salt water pearls that are formed by nature can fetch millions of dollars.

4. The drivers of competition between the two countries will therefore be shaped by water and energy rather than by efforts to expand trade.

5. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pineapple and shaped like a football.

6. He was notably candid that the support shaped his positive view of the leader like nothing else.

7. The actual result will depend on how the policies will be shaped gradually in the process of conforming to accession rules.

8. What distinguishes China is that the implementation of its innovation policy is still shaped by the legacy of the centrally planned economy.

9. The yam is steamed, mashed and moulded into medium shaped domes and topped with a citrus peach sauce.

10. A blue glazed porcelain pot was cleverly designed with the spout shaped as a rooster's head and the handle as a rooster's tail.

shaped 英英释义



1. shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort)

    e.g. a shaped handgrip
           the molded steel plates
           the wrought silver bracelet

    Synonym: moldedwrought

2. having the shape of

    e.g. a square shaped playing field

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