
shocking是什么意思 shocking在线翻译 shocking什么意思 shocking的意思 shocking的翻译 shocking的解释 shocking的发音 shocking的同义词

shocking [ˈʃɒkɪŋ]  [ˈʃɑ:kɪŋ] 


shocking 基本解释

形容词触目惊心的; 令人震惊的,可怕的; 〈口〉非常粗陋的


动词使…震惊( shock的现在分词)

shocking 相关例句


1. What a shocking waste of time!

shocking 网络解释

1. shocking的翻译

1. (让人震惊的):牐爏hameful(可耻的) | 牐爏hocking(让人震惊的) | 牐燼ppalling(可怕的)

2. 怎不教人:> 誰知股票竟一再falling, | > 怎不教人shocking? | > 既然捉不到高位沽貨的timing,

3. 非常糟糕的:She'll be right 万事如意 | Shocking 非常糟糕的 | Shout 请朋友,例如吃饭或喝酒

4. shocking:shock; 东京帝国剧场

shocking 词典解释

1. 糟透了的;极坏的
    You can say that something is shocking if you think that it is very bad.

    e.g. The media coverage was shocking...
    e.g. I must have been in a shocking state last night.

His memory was becoming shockingly bad.

2. 令人震惊的;令人愤慨的;不道德的
    You can say that something is shocking if you think that it is morally wrong.

    e.g. It is shocking that nothing was said...
    e.g. This was a shocking invasion of privacy.

Shockingly, this useless and dangerous surgery did not end until the 1930s.
令人震惊的是,这种既无效又危险的手术直到 20 世纪 30 年代才被废止。

3. see also: shock

shocking 单语例句

1. A major part of the play's Chinese version preserves the hallmark tone of candid confession and shocking presentation intermingled with humour.

2. Cast your mind back to the shocking images of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan one year ago.

3. The animal abuse story has been a hot topic among China's Internet users, after shocking images showed a cat with its eye gouged out.

4. That made for witty touches like a shocking pink tufted chiffon poodle embroidered on the back of a frayed denim coat.

5. But equally shocking and worrying to many parents, teachers and lawmakers is the alarming number of children now addicted to the Internet.

6. Internet users have joined in efforts to save a boy in East China's Shandong province who was hospitalized in a shocking case of child abuse.

7. Similar shocking activities may continue here and there if the loopholes in the system are not closed.

8. Malaysia's ruling coalition tried to regroup yesterday after a shocking electoral setback that decimated its ranks and sent markets swooning over the political uncertainties ahead.

9. The China Youth Daily called the coercion a " shocking disgrace " exposing officials'failure to enforce labor laws.

10. The tragedy came just half a month after a shocking mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater that claimed 12 lives and wounded nearly 60.

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