
shoe polish是什么意思 shoe polish在线翻译 shoe polish什么意思 shoe polish的意思 shoe polish的翻译 shoe polish的解释 shoe polish的发音

shoe polish

shoe polish 双语例句

1. I don't know. Something involving genitalia and shoe polish.

2. Excuse me, where can I find the shoe polish?

3. Really good shoe polish ingredients are oil, to protect the leather, and extended its use life.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Color similar to shoe polish can also play a similar role.

5. A little shoe polish may be in order here.

6. Founded more than 10 years, professional commitment to toothpaste, ointment, shoe polish complete sets of equipment development and manufacturing.

7. shoe polish的意思

7. Mr Larsson`s first devices were the size of a tin of shoe polish.

8. Is a private enterprise, mainly engaged in a patent shoe brush, shoe brush this product set, shoe polish in one, free-for-sale of various brands use shoe polish.

9. You give up the family shoe polish, shoe brush, take a few steps and give up at the door decoration luxury chains, where two of the same as your mother, where the elderly go, regardless of Sassafras Here you are, you may wish to go down themselves, look watch their hands, there are wandering around in their children, a annoying.

10. You give up the family shoe polish, shoe brush, take a few stepsand give up at the door decoration luxury chains, where two of thesame as your mother, where the elderly go, regardless of SassafrasHere you are, you may wish to go down themselves, look watch theirhands, there are wandering around in their children, a annoying.

11. Replacement shoe polish: open the lid out of the oil guide caps, oil cap to the guide screw in the new shoe polish lips BAG reset to the box body hole, the shoe polish into the bag and roll button fasten boxes in lid cavity.

12. I used an old Kiwi liquid shoe polish as a microphone. I'd go around the house interviewing everybody, telling stupid jokes, doing voices.
      我用Kiwi liquid shoe polish当作麦克风,我会绕着房间采访每个人,将愚蠢笑话,模仿声音。

13. shoe polish什么意思

13. Companies think, the Consumer Council has recommended licensing Aihua Shoe paper although useful, but the Chinese market is too great, and very few manufacturers, so the current market gaps in most regions, the majority of people do not rub Know paper the phenomenon of shoes as soon as possible so that all mankind society Shoe paper at the rapid popularization of pop, and alternative to the traditional shoe polish shoe brush (like the 80's alternative paper napkin as a handkerchief).

14. EXTEND SHOE LIFE: When you get marks on neutral-colored suede shoes that you can`t remove, use any color shoe polish on them.

15. Lemuel Struthers, the widow of Struthers's Shoe-polish, who had returned the previous year from a long initiatory sojourn in Europe to lay siege to the tight little citadel of New York.

16. Improve the Dispensation of liquid Shoe - polish

17. When I bought the shoes I asked the salesman to throw in some shoe polish.

18. In order to improve the quality of liquid shoe-polish at home, the technology of emulsifying wax solution directly is developed, by adding the natural resin M. the synthetic resin N and various additives.

19. shoe polish

19. It's gonna leave a shoe polish mark on the ball.

20. Studies on corrosion of shoe polish aluminium tubes and its inhibition

shoe polish 单语例句

1. This luxury shoe polish kit by Tod's includes shoe polish, a shoehorn and some luxurious brushes in an elegant fabric and leather case.

2. It is not only stylish but a very practical shoe type and please before stepping out of home polish your shoes.

3. So I used a bottle of red polish to coat the underside of the shoe scarlet.

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