
shrinkage是什么意思 shrinkage在线翻译 shrinkage什么意思 shrinkage的意思 shrinkage的翻译 shrinkage的解释 shrinkage的发音 shrinkage的同义词

shrinkage [ˈʃrɪŋkɪdʒ]  [ˈʃrɪŋkɪdʒ] 

shrinkage 基本解释

名词收缩,皱缩,缩水; 跌价; 抽缩

shrinkage 网络解释

1. 缩水:这个词跟缩水(Shrinkage)听起来有那么一点相似. 所以这里我们有必要澄清一点--缩水和Cost Down不是同一回事. 为什么这么说呢?某显卡厂商的市场推广人员告诉我们,对于Cost Down的实施,首先由产品经理(Product Manager)进行产品规划,

2. shrinkage是什么意思

2. 缩水率:模具为双色模时地一射成名一般手机模具在设计时: 材料为PC时,缩水率(shrinkage)为: 5/1000 材料为PC+ABS时,缩水率(shrinkage)为: 5.5/1000 材料为TPU(橡胶)时,缩水率(shrinkage)为: 8~20/1000 模具为铁件上注塑件时,注意,请不要放缩水!

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 干缩:本软体採用验证过的等值构架技术 (Equivalent Frame Technology) 并提供下列功能:5.计算单向版系统的挠度 (deflection) 时可以考虑开裂 (cracking) 情况1.计算因潜变 (creep)、乾缩 (shrinkage) 与预力鬆弛 (relaxation) 所导致

shrinkage 词典解释

1. 缩小;收缩;减少
    Shrinkage is a decrease in the size or amount of something.

    e.g. Allow for some shrinkage in both length and width.
    e.g. ...a shrinkage in industrial output.

shrinkage 单语例句

1. The union also complains that flight schedule changes have caused rest deprivation and shrinkage of income for cabin crews.

2. Jiang said automakers'profit shrinkage would be difficult to check in the fourth quarter of this year as vehicles sales would continue to slide.

3. But a " shrinkage " factor that may include uninhabitable areas like walls or common areas shared with neighbours often comes into play.

4. As a result, the real estate and labour markets can only see a continual shrinkage in price.

5. The shrinkage has been blamed for a surge in dental problems caused by crooked or overlapping teeth.

6. And it was the first time the organization has seen an aggregate shrinkage in its members economies since it started keeping records in 1970.

7. And it was the first time the organization has seen an aggregate shrinkage in its member economies since it started keeping records in 1970.

8. Sources from the law firms showed that investment losses and profit shrinkage have directly impacted family stability and sparked property dispute among couples.

9. According to experts, current glacial shrinkage is primarily due to climate warming.

10. Yao said the shrinkage will lead to an " overdraft " of glacier storage, causing a disaster in the global ecosystem.

shrinkage 英英释义



1. the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store

    e.g. shrinkage is the retail trade's euphemism for shoplifting

    Synonym: shoplifting

2. the amount by which something shrinks

3. process or result of becoming less or smaller

    e.g. the material lost 2 inches per yard in shrinkage

    Synonym: shrinking

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