
skilled是什么意思 skilled在线翻译 skilled什么意思 skilled的意思 skilled的翻译 skilled的解释 skilled的发音 skilled的同义词 skilled的反义词

skilled [skɪld]  [skɪld] 

skilled 基本解释

形容词熟练的,有技能的; 需要技能的; 娴

skilled 反义词


skilled 网络解释

1. 熟练:部分学生进职业(professional)学校,被培养成熟练(skilled)工人. d.高中毕业后,考生通过全国性的考试就成为大学生. 大学通常学4年,毕业后,可获得学士学位(bachelor's degree). 制度:(system). 字数为(80~120) 注意: a.简介要有标题;

2. 熟:发展,已经出现了能做某些脑部和骨科手术(brain and bone surgery)的机器人系统(robot system),这些手术已达到亚毫米(submillimeter)的精确度(accuracy)-技术再娴熟(skilled)的医生(physician)仅凭手是远远达不到这种精确度(pre

3. skilled的翻译

3. 熟练的:skill 技能 | skilled 熟练的 | skillet 煮锅

4. skilled什么意思

4. 有技能的熟练的:skill-intensive 技术密集型 | Skilled 有技能的熟练的 | skilled worker 熟练工人

skilled 词典解释

1. 有技术的;有技能的;熟练的
    Someone who is skilled has the knowledge and ability to do something well.

    e.g. Not all doctors are skilled in helping their patients make choices.
    e.g. ...a network of amateur but highly skilled observers of wildlife.

2. 需要熟练技术的;需要专门技能的
    Skilled work can only be done by people who have had some training.

    e.g. New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally.
    e.g. ...skilled workers, such as plumbers and electricians.

skilled 单语例句

1. The Chinese industry seems to have benefited from a number of skilled Byzantine refugees fleeing the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

2. Because of the unique skills of ivory carving and the loss of skilled carvers, ivory carving was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2007.

3. Thousands of skilled technicians are busy working on assembly lines at a Caterpillar factory in the city of Xuzhou in east China's Jiangsu province.

4. The shortage of skilled people remains a cause for concern, with 38 percent of the respondents saying that was their main recruitment challenge.

5. We agree to take meaningful steps toward improving curriculum development and training of trainers, as well as skills standards to build a skilled and adaptable APEC work force.

6. Domestic and overseas skilled workers can both apply for the card, as they do not change their residence or nationality.

7. More than 100 of the iconic teapots made by skilled craftsmen are displayed here at the China Purple Clay Art Museum in Shanghai.

8. Not only were the Chinese officials extremely competent and skilled in their respective professions, they were also conspicuous in their ubiquitous blue uniforms.

9. A shortage of skilled labor has come to deter foreign investment, and the education system cannot respond adequately to market needs.

10. We need to foster stronger national bodies which are independent, transparent and competent safety authorities staffed with highly skilled experts who enjoy public trust.

skilled 英英释义



1. having or showing or requiring special skill

    e.g. only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team
           a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience
           a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow
           a skilled trade

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