
slate是什么意思 slate在线翻译 slate什么意思 slate的意思 slate的翻译 slate的解释 slate的发音 slate的同义词 slate的反义词 slate的例句

slate [sleɪt]  [slet] 


slate 基本解释

名词石板; 板岩,页岩; 行为记录; 石板色,深蓝灰色

及物动词用石板瓦盖,用板岩覆盖(例如屋顶); 把…加到竞选者的名单上; 安排或指定

形容词石板的; 石板色的,深蓝灰色的

slate 相关例句


1. His film was slated by many people.

2. Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?

3. slate

3. Mr.Miller is slated to become chairman next month.


1. The roofs are covered with stone slates.

slate 网络解释

1. 场记板:产品规格:31*28(CM) 场记板(SLATE)上面以粉笔写着场次、镜次、导演、片名、影片公司等资料的小木板,上缘还附有一段拍扳,上涂黑白相间条纹,一端可以开合,可以拍出清楚响声,以便剪接时声画同步作业的进行.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 板岩:摘要: 板岩(Slate)的简介: 板岩(Slate)是一种浅变质岩,由粘土质、粉砂质沉积岩或中酸性凝灰质岩石、沉凝灰岩经轻微变质作用形成,具板状构造的岩石. 板岩形成的温度和均向压力都不高,主要受应力作用的影响,是区域变质作用得低级产物.

3. 板石:日本等世界上绝大多数国家的认同与采纳.像我国的石灰岩、砂岩类石材的工程石材材料标准认定就是国家建筑材料工业石材质检中心直接以美国ASTM的标准进行检测的.目前,美国材料试验协会将天然饰面石材分为花岗石(Granite)、石灰石(Limestone)、大理石(Marble)、砂岩(Quartz-based)、板石(Slate)及其它石材六大类,

slate 词典解释

1. 板岩;石板
    Slate is a dark grey rock that can be easily split into thin layers. Slate is often used for covering roofs.

    e.g. ... a stone-built cottage, with a traditional slate roof.

2. (盖房顶用的)石板瓦
    A slate is one of the small flat pieces of slate that are used for covering roofs.

3. 候选人名单;提名名单
    A slate is a list of candidates for an election, usually from the same party.

    e.g. The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote.

4. 预定;计划;安排
    If something is slated to happen, it is planned to happen at a particular time or on a particular occasion.

    e.g. Bromfield was slated to become U.S. Secretary of Agriculture...
    e.g. Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days.

5. 严厉批评;猛烈抨击
    If something is slated, it is criticized very severely.

    e.g. Arnold Schwarzenegger's new restaurant has been slated by a top food critic...
    e.g. Slated by critics at the time, the film has since become a cult classic.

6. 从头开始;改过自新
    If you start with a clean slate, you do not take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start.

    e.g. The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.

7. 一笔勾销;既往不咎
    If you wipe the slate clean, you decide to forget previous mistakes, failures, or debts and to start again.

    e.g. Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again?

slate 单语例句

1. It came in a purple clay teapot, burnished with a glowing patina and gently steaming on a piece of slate.

2. To solve the problem of overlapping and redundant certifications, it will be necessary to wipe the slate clean.

3. Beckham will start with a clean slate for the next World Cup qualifying games.

4. Libyan officials contend that with the medics'release, the country's slate with the outside world is clean.

5. There is the clean slate of training camp, which now is mere days away.

6. Britain's financial watchdog agreed, saying it was time for regulators " to wipe the slate clean ".

7. In an adjunct trend, this year's slate could serve as a PSA about the dangers of driving.

8. Actually, she was trapped face down with a gigantic slate on her back.

9. US voters cast their ballots for a slate of electors of the US Electoral College, who in turn elect the president and vice president.

10. The outgoing Russian leader was instrumental in founding United Russia party and headed its election slate in a parliamentary election last year.


slate 英英释义


1. (formerly) a writing tablet made of slate

2. a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices

    Synonym: ticket

3. a fine-grained metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers

4. thin layers of rock used for roofing

    Synonym: slating


1. designate or schedule

    e.g. He slated his talk for 9 AM
           She was slated to be his successor

2. cover with slate

    e.g. slate the roof

3. enter on a list or slate for an election

    e.g. He was slated for borough president

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