
slump是什么意思 slump在线翻译 slump什么意思 slump的意思 slump的翻译 slump的解释 slump的发音 slump的同义词 slump的反义词 slump的例句

slump [slʌmp]  [slʌmp] 


slump 基本解释

不及物动词大幅度下降,暴跌; 沉重或突然地落下[倒下]

名词(物价等的)暴跌; <美>(个人、球队等的)低潮状态; (销售量、价格、价值等的)骤降; (精神等的)消沉,萎靡

slump 网络解释

1. 坍落度:在国际建筑工程中通常是以坍落度(Slump)作为控制混凝土工作性能的基本指标,而到目前仍没有一个被广泛采用的有效监测手段. 在我国对混凝土坍落度的检验,仍旧沿用传统锥形筒的方法来检测混凝土的流动性. 此法不仅原始笨重,

2. 坍塌:触变性好的焊膏可以保持印刷在焊盘上的焊膏外形不变,不坍塌(Slump). 焊膏在印刷时具有流动性而在熔融时也再次具有流动性,再流焊 (Reflow)也因而得名. (2)助焊活性 在焊膏中含有助焊剂,兼有去除被焊导电界面氧化物、污染物清洁与润湿表面的作用.

3. 脱落:小蛇在前才产卵(spawn)专家爱打人(spank),天鹅爱打扮(swank)妈妈不开心(mump),不要去碰她(bump),哥哥大傻瓜(gump),长个大肿块(lump),丰满才漂亮(plump),死了才脱落(slump)a部分(fraction)i摩擦(friction),

slump 词典解释

1. 急剧下降;暴跌
    If something such as the value of something slumps, it falls suddenly and by a large amount.

    e.g. Net profits slumped by 41%...
           净利润暴跌了 41%。
    e.g. Government popularity in Scotland has slumped to its lowest level since the 1970s.
           苏格兰政府的支持率骤跌至 20 世纪 70 年代以来的最低水平。 Slump is also a noun.

2. 不景气;萧条;衰退
    A slump is a time when many people in a country are unemployed and poor.

    e.g. ...the slump of the early 1980s.
           20 世纪 80 年代初的大萧条

3. (因疲劳、生病等而重重)倒下,跌倒
    If you slump somewhere, you fall or sit down there heavily, for example because you are very tired or you feel ill.


    e.g. She slumped into a chair...
    e.g. He saw the driver slumped over the wheel.

slump 单语例句

1. BEIJING - The group buying industry in China has gradually regained popularity after a first quarter slump this year.

2. By the time Tiger Woods started playing well, it was too late to end all the talk about his major slump.

3. Thus, the world cannot help but be pulled down by a US slump.

4. That cash flow problem is being exacerbated by the slump in housing sales because of government measures to clamp down on excessive speculation.

5. Chinese property developers are suffering from a slump in cash flow, according to a report on Tuesday.

6. Financial Street saw a surge in cash despite a slump in sales in the first half of this year according to the developer's interim report.

7. Obama beat Republican challenger Mitt Romney soundly in November's election to win a second term, despite presiding over a chronic economic slump.

8. There were merely 69 shares went up today, but nearly 900 stocks closing near the maximum percentage of price slump.

9. Domestic steel prices picked up 4 percent last week after a slump beginning in April, which indicates market adjustment due to weak downstream demand.

10. IPO activity has come to a virtual standstill in the mainland due to a prolonged slump in the stock market.

slump 英英释义


1. a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality

    e.g. the team went into a slump
           a gradual slack in output
           a drop-off in attendance
           a falloff in quality

    Synonym: slackdrop-offfallofffalling off

2. a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment

    Synonym: depressioneconomic crisis


1. fall heavily or suddenly
    decline markedly

    e.g. The real estate market fell off

    Synonym: fall offsink

2. go down in value

    e.g. the stock market corrected
           prices slumped

    Synonym: declinecorrect

3. fall or sink heavily

    e.g. He slumped onto the couch
           My spirits sank

    Synonym: slide downsink

4. assume a drooping posture or carriage

    Synonym: slouch

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