
snake god是什么意思 snake god在线翻译 snake god什么意思 snake god的意思 snake god的翻译 snake god的解释 snake god的发音 snake god的同义词

snake god

snake god 双语例句

1. God passed judgment on the great evil snake because he brought sin into the garden.

2. When Dirksen talked it was like hearing the voice of God or a pompous snake-oil salesman, depending on your perspective.

3. snake god的翻译

3. My daughter先睡last night, so me and my husband sleep late, but I actually do fall asleep after a particularly frightening dream, I dream of me and my sister and friends to the basket to mowing, 天快黑, and a few in front of them behind me, but there are several roadside She did not see them later, when I approached to see, and I shouted out scared, did not expect This snake scared to jump out of the Lao Gao, one of which landed in a very small on my shoulder, I quickly ran out scared, they catch up with my sister, but there is a strange man in black, evil attempt to follow me, I where to go with him, I told my sister as soon as possible we go, a short while we have seen a lot of our people of the village of grass, the men did not see so many people affected, I had a basket of cut grass, we are coming home when left to me and my two friends, who know that the Friends met a large snake was greater, My God!

4. Where I come from, in Kentucky, people in the Church of God do snake handling and drink strychnine.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Company Sets vary snake research, breeding, brewing, processing, and sales in one, in order for the former Royal Gongpin products become public today, Liu has developed a different god licensing snake wine, liquor Shedan vary, different snakes stomach grams of Hope, Yibian capsule, Special Liu different snake wine and liquor, and so God licensing Yibian series of eight 20 varieties products.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. A snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa, Haiti, and the southern United States.

7. The peacock represents the beauty of the worshipped God and the snake represents his wisdom because he is both beautiful and wise.

8. From Stone Age's dragon-snake worship to the antique snake god myth, history of China's culture concerning snake is glorious.

9. The Soninke snake was an actual god; the Chinese one was just an animal.

10. According to " the Bible " God Almighty documented human ancestor: Adam and Eve, but were the snake tempted Eve eat the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden.

11. snake god在线翻译

11. The Kirghiz are nominally Muslim, but superstition and black magic, especially worship of the snake god, control many.

12. One day the snake asked Eve if God had told her not to eat the fruit from the trees.

13. Aaron's rod became a snake and back to a rod under God's Command in front of the Pharaoh.

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14. The belief prototype of the god enshrined and worshipped at the temple was probably a snake which gradually became personified.

15. The miss of platycodon kagome, he is the mind, the heavy sentiment and the lady, The tolerance of snake bone to god without the free, is his generosity instead of weakness.

16. Try and see: The mouse is toothless, the cattle is imperforate; The tiger has no spleen, rabbit has no lip; The dragon has no an ear, the snake has no a foot; The horse has no a gallbladder, the sheep has no god; The monkey has no buttocks, chicken has no a kidney; The dog has no intestines, the pig has no a tendon.

17. He says this represents the snake god, naga.

18. According to " the Bible " God Almighty documented human ancestor: Adam and Eve, but were the snake tempted Eve eat the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden.

19. snake god的意思

19. Besides, it owns a popular legend wide-spreading. Furthermore, 「Turtle-Snake」 is deserved to be mentioned for the unique symbol of Xuan-Tian God. Therefore, the development course of belief and the landscpae features of temple space both have the research value perfectly.

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