
snap out of it是什么意思 snap out of it在线翻译 snap out of it什么意思 snap out of it的意思 snap out of it的翻译 snap out of it的解释

snap out of it [snæp aut ɔv it]  [snæp aʊt ʌv ɪt] 

snap out of it 基本解释


snap out of it 相关例句


1. Come on, snap out of it; you drank too much!

2. Come on, snap out of it!

3. Snap out of it, you can find another girlfriend.

snap out of it 网络解释

1. 突然改变情绪;振作起来:snake in the grass 隐藏的危险 | snap out of it 突然改变情绪;振作起来 | Snowed. (学生)被一个问题弄糊涂.

2. 重新振作起来:6. ring a bell 听起来熟悉 | 7. snap out of it 重新振作起来 | 8. raise the roof 吵翻天

3. 从...中迅速恢复过来;改变:snap at sb对人厉声说 | snap out of it从...中迅速恢复过来;改变 | soakv.浸,使浸透;淋湿

4. snap out of it

4. 摆脱(烦恼):109.spend thrift 挥霍者 | 110.snap out of it 摆脱(烦恼) | 111.snow job 骗局

snap out of it 双语例句

1. snap out of it是什么意思

1. But snap out of it. It's not the end of the world.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. I have been depressed for 25 years, I tried to snap out of it but found it hard.

3. snap out of it是什么意思

3. To feel at easing one`s own all day, in Ann lives in the lesson of chanting scriptures reading aloud, that is to say that does not allow one`s own heart to have an opportunity to send vainlying hope, a apparent one not all right to repair not dense anyway, build a dense one to form impression of the hand, according to intelligent law method of Master, hold heavy rounds of Buddha`s warrior attendant top Buddhist nun Luo, is it is it read aloud to hold to give all dense incantation that Master teach, or if because of king and lecturer uncle Wang, I must put down and see the classical progress, I then can only is it build not dense to change too, form impression of the hand hold the dense incantation, then observe one`s own body mouth Italy, is it follow in order and advance step by step to that is to say, shut palm is it study in south have to claim Amitabha, or recite the stupefied tight incantation, anyway will just install the gas defense software in heart, will not make one`s own heart send vainlying hope, it want change as Buddha the symbols become all over, know they because there aren`t I, if wanting, want obstacle I trying every possible means they, certainly I know that they do not hope that I progress greatly, so I must show dense pair and repair, meaning that is to say I can slow, what I can put very slow, one 20 instants such as snap of the fingers, 500 is it put out to born suddenly, diligent among instant, certainly appearance seems to be very slow, because you in can diligent in analogous toing, appearance seem you is it reach to work up at all, but already 500 has been grown and killed for the heart in fact, it can be diligent in the very small place to change sentences, it surpass one day it is the diligent 24 hour, the reason I should want with like if intelligence relation, this the place where the outer course can`t be entered too, if like you know how if intelligence, can now heavy in knowing light right away, it can be small now in it is big, needn`t move and kill the rites place quietly, the pericardium is immeasurable and boundless and too hollow, certainly it is so full of wisdom that I do not have, it is all right that I only know that diligent in instant.

4. You`re right, all of you—I need to snap out of it.

5. snap out of it

5. Once fall into his intrigue, it will not easy to snap out of it.

6. snap out of it是什么意思

6. Hey I know you broke up with your girlfriend and you are depressed, but snap out of it.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. Look fuckstick, I'm incredibly busy, so why don't you get the hell out of herebefore i snap your dick off and jam it into your ass?

8. I wish she would just snap out of it and get over her ex-boyfriend.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. I am sad all the time and I can't snap out of it.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. I snap out of it for a moment.

11. I wish she would just snap out of it and get over her ex-bf.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. To store it appropriately take it out of the hoop or Q-snap when you are not workin g on it and roll the fabric and store it in a plastic ba g to avoid stains from accidents or dust.
      要保存它适当拿出了箍或Q -管理单元时,你不工作,并滚动的结构和存储在一个塑料袋,以避免发生意外或灰尘污渍。

13. snap out of it的反义词

13. With five regular season games left and then the playoffs, hopefully the Lakers snap out of it and the Black Mamba we all know so well is unleashed.

14. You know that people make snap judgments about you based on your appearance. But it turns out that most of those judgments are right.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. Having brought it to the altar where it is to be burned, the priest shall snap its head loose and squeeze out its blood against the side of the altar.

16. To store it appropriatel y take it out of the hoop or Q-snap when y ou are not working on it and roll the fabric and store it in a plastic bag to avoid stains from accidents or dust.
      要保存它适当拿出了箍或Q -管理单元时,你不工作,并滚动的结构和存储在一个塑料袋,以避免发生意外或灰尘污渍。

17. snap out of it的翻译

17. If your equity is your life, a market can snap it with a single shark bite, a disastrous loss that effectively takes you out of the game.

18. snap out of it

18. He's been in a terrible mood all day. I hope he will snap out of it.

19. snap out of it

19. Come on, snap out of it!

20. In many cases they will also give us tough love and help us to snap out of it if we are feeling sorry for ourselves. They will also help us to make a specific plan of action to work our way out of discouragement.

snap out of it 单语例句

1. He is a lost soul, and it's not clear he is going to snap out of his funk anytime soon.

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