
snowfalls是什么意思 snowfalls在线翻译 snowfalls什么意思 snowfalls的意思 snowfalls的翻译 snowfalls的解释 snowfalls的发音 snowfalls的同义词

snowfalls 基本解释

下雪,降雪,降雪量( snowfall的名词复数 );

snowfalls 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 降雪;下雪:GLOSSARY 词汇表 (双击查询详细解释) | snowfalls 降雪;下雪 | severe disruption 严重干扰

snowfalls 双语例句

1. Storms were flooding central Chile, and heavier-than-normal snowfalls in the Andes trapped hundreds in the bitter cold.

2. snowfalls什么意思

2. In fact, it is quite cold and often covered by snowfalls.

3. snowfalls

3. We were married in October just prior to the beginning of heavy snowfalls.

4. However, the heaviest snowfalls have been reported in the mountains of other areas during winter.

5. In my years in Beijing the snowfalls, I must say, have been puny, three inches at most.

6. Record-breaking snowfalls and freezing temperatures forced airport and road closures Thursday, especially in the north of China.

7. There was plenty of work to do, particularly after snowfalls when the grounds had to be cleared and defensible berms built, but Morik managed to avoid most of it by feigning an injury from the battle that had brought them here.

8. Portmanteau words linking " snow " with " apocalypse " and " armageddon ", used to describe the record snowfalls in the US East Coast and Northern Europe last winter.

9. When I left sunny California to attend school in Boston, I was greeted by dark skies, sub-zero temperatures and frequent snowfalls.

10. Heavy snowfalls have stranded thousands of passengers ahead of the nation's vacation period.

11. snowfalls什么意思

11. The heaviest snowfalls today are expected in the south east.

12. snowfalls在线翻译

12. Several villages in the north have been isolated from the outside world by heavy snowfalls.

13. Children make a snowman in Tivissa during one of the first snowfalls of the year in this northeastern part of spain.

14. snowfalls是什么意思

14. The record snowfalls in the East haven't helped either because chronic water shortages are still afflicting the Southwest, where local populations rely on dams for electricity.

15. snowfalls的近义词

15. English Bishop Jonathan Gledhill has downplayed the successive snowfalls in Europe this month, explaining that there have been worse, the Daily Telegraph reports.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. Snowfalls, the worst in decades have devastated southern, central and eastern China.

17. Those caught there were part of what Chinese newspapers reported as an estimated 77m people affected by the crisis, which has been brought on by the combination of the worst snowfalls in half a century and power cuts caused by coal shortages.

18. It means there will be a marked increase of snowfalls in the north part of China.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. Thousands of travellers have had their Christmas plans disrupted by further snowfalls across Western Europe.

20. Heavy snowfalls are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

snowfalls 单语例句

1. Chin also expressed the belief that the Chinese government and people will be able to overcome the disaster caused by heavy snowfalls.

2. The town is notorious for being inaccessible for six months of the year, cut off from the outside world by heavy snowfalls.

3. In Beijing, at least three highways were closed on Thursday night due to heavy snowfalls and ice.

4. Snowfalls in northern China have seen skiing, ice sculpture and ice lanterns back on the holiday program attracting many southern tourists.

5. The cold wave is likely to bring a 12 C to 14 C drop in temperatures along with wind and snowfalls in some regions.

6. Apart from the regular warnings of heavier snowfalls and transport delays, there have also been heartening reports of bravery and philanthropy.

7. Most part of Beijing was swept by the spring snowfalls Saturday noon, but it only lasted for a short time and melted away in the warmish weather.

8. The provincial meteorological center of Shanxi said rains and snowfalls would continue over the weekend, sending temperatures plunging below zero in some areas.

9. Three heavy snowfalls between March 6 and 12 hit the Guozigou area, undermining conditions at a gas pipeline construction site where the tragedy took place.

10. The snowfalls and sleet have lasted for more than a week and will continue possibly for another week.

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