
sodomy是什么意思 sodomy在线翻译 sodomy什么意思 sodomy的意思 sodomy的翻译 sodomy的解释 sodomy的发音 sodomy的同义词 sodomy的反义词 sodomy的例句

sodomy [ˈsɒdəmi]  [ˈsɑ:dəmi] 

sodomy 基本解释



sodomy 网络解释

1. sodomy

1. 鸡奸罪:在马来西亚反对党领袖安华(Anwar Ibrahim)申请调查政府对其不利的证据遭到驳回后,国际特赦组织要求当局撤销对他涉嫌鸡奸罪(sodomy)的刑事指控,因为这项指控显然带有政治目的.

2. 所多糜:现代西方语言中,所多糜(Sodomy)就是男同性恋、鸡好、兽好的意思,男同性恋之间的性行为叫sodomize. (创19:l一19:22)以撤与利百加结婚以后,夫妇双方甚是恩爱,但是一种难言的哀愁却随着岁月的流逝而增长. 那就是他们19年的共同生活却没有留下一男半女.

3. 鸡奸,兽奸 鸡奸,兽奸:snowmobile 雪车 雪车 | sodomy 鸡奸,兽奸 鸡奸,兽奸 | solicitation 教唆,拉客 教唆,拉客

sodomy 词典解释

1. 鸡奸;肛交
    Sodomy is anal sexual intercourse.

sodomy 单语例句

1. The courtroom maneuvering came less than a week after a separate panel overturned a sodomy conviction and freed Anwar from six years in prison.

2. He was sacked and later sentenced to jail on four counts of corrupt practices and for sodomy in September 1998.

3. The government demanded that Anwar provide his DNA for investigations into the sodomy complaint brought against him by a former aide.

4. Anwar faces another gruelling trial for sodomy starting on Wednesday that could break his career and risks deepening political divisions in the Southeast Asian nation.

5. " It stipulated that sodomy should be punished as a'crime of indecent assault', " he said.

6. Malaysian police yesterday threatened to arrest opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim if he did not cooperate in sodomy investigations against him.

7. In 1998, he was dismissed as a deputy prime minister and convicted for sodomy and corruption.

8. The defense lawyers questioned the evidence and the credibility of the doctors who conducted the tests to prove the sodomy.

9. Anwar is in court to face charges of sodomy, which he denies and says are politically motivated.

10. He was arrested on national security grounds, tried for sodomy and corruption and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

sodomy 英英释义


1. intercourse via the anus, committed by a man with a man or woman

    Synonym: buggeryanal sexanal intercourse

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