
solitude是什么意思 solitude在线翻译 solitude什么意思 solitude的意思 solitude的翻译 solitude的解释 solitude的发音 solitude的同义词

solitude [ˈsɒlɪtju:d]  [ˈsɑ:lətu:d] 


solitude 基本解释

名词单独,孤独; 偏僻处,隐居处; 幽静(的地方),荒野

solitude 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. They searched for a place where they could live in solitude.

solitude 网络解释

1. solitude的解释

1. 孤独:但菲力浦.科克(Philip Koch)却在<<孤独>>(Solitude)一书中,点出了孤独的价值. 他认为,孤独是一种拥有特定时间、空间,与别人没有直接交往,并且是开放、自在、觉悟的心态.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 独处:因为只有隐者(hermit)才能绝对控制其个人信息的使用1967年,Alan F.Westin博士在其成名作<<隐私与自由>>(Privacy and Freedom)中讨论了隐私的复杂性Westin博士认为,每个社会都有四种相互制约的隐私要素:(1) 独处(solitude)每个人都需要成就自我的空间,

solitude 词典解释

1. (尤指平静愉快的)独居,独处
    Solitude is the state of being alone, especially when this is peaceful and pleasant.


    e.g. He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began...
    e.g. Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude.

solitude 单语例句

1. " Drifting " in this context depicts not only the illustration of space and time but also life and presents a solution to approaching urban solitude.

2. The result was young people in the hands of warmongering governments, and old people left in solitude to die in old age homes.

3. But the solitude he suffered made it impossible for him to satisfy other dimensions of that passion.

4. That sense of exile contributed to her remarkable ability to capture the solitude readers have enjoyed in her novels.

5. The significance of One Hundred Years of Solitude as an eye opener was in many ways greater than the work itself.

6. The Chinese author is also fascinated by the powerful and stunning world of images in Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude.

7. We wallow in loneliness and solitude our whole lives in search of the answer to hundreds and millions of questions that run through my mind.

8. Although they may have been born of Zhang Xuan's personal solitude and sorrow, the notes of these songs are nonetheless strung together with inextinguishable youthful hope.

9. Couples seeking privacy head to the theaters in droves looking to hide in the solitude and anonymity that the darkness provides.

10. Like the music of many artists on his pioneering local label, his work was meditative and filled with solitude.


solitude 英英释义



1. a solitary place

2. the state or situation of being alone

3. a state of social isolation

    Synonym: purdah

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