
somehow是什么意思 somehow在线翻译 somehow什么意思 somehow的意思 somehow的翻译 somehow的解释 somehow的发音 somehow的同义词 somehow的反义词

somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ]  [ˈsʌmˌhaʊ] 

somehow 基本解释


副词以某种方式,用某种方法; <非正>不知怎么地,不知道怎样,不晓得什么缘故; 设法,想办法,想个方法; 莫明其妙地

somehow 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Somehow he was afraid of her.

2. somehow的意思

2. I'll have it out with him somehow.

3. somehow的意思

3. She somehow got lost.

somehow 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 不知何故:在对看待人类苦难的消极方式的拒绝中(如果是这样的话,我们或许能够做些事情来缓解这些苦难),也许有一种歇斯底里(hysterical)的因素. 但是,尽管对我来说,你写下那篇文章这个行为本身很明显就是不知何故(somehow)受其激励,但你并不愿意承认这个现实.

2. somehow的反义词

2. 知何故:在对看待人类苦难的消极方式的拒绝中(如果是这样的话,我们或许能够做些事情来缓解这些苦难),也许有一种歇斯底里(hysterical)的因素. 但是,尽管对我来说,你写下那篇文章这个行为本身很明显就是不知何故(somehow)受其激励,但你并不愿意承认这个现实.

3. somehow的反义词

3. 以某种方式:production 生産,産品 | somehow 以某種方式 | greedy 貪食的, 渴望的

4. 不知怎么地,以某种方法:solve 解决 | somehow 不知怎么地,以某种方法 | sore 疼痛的,痛处

somehow 词典解释

1. 不知怎样;用某种方法;不知什么缘故;不知怎的
    You use somehow to say that you do not know or cannot say how something was done or will be done.

    e.g. We'll manage somehow, you and me. I know we will...
    e.g. Channel 4 arrived and somehow created a different role for television...

2. somehow or other -> see other

somehow 单语例句

1. But somehow, work on the project hasn't started till now.

2. The kids decide to investigate, suspecting that an Internet Web cam may somehow have a role in the death.

3. Bremen captain Baumann then somehow managed to sidefoot a tame cross past his own goalkeeper despite no pressure from the Gladbach attackers.

4. Americans believe that if China were to float its currency on the free market, somehow magically the outflow of US jobs would cease.

5. " We Are Marshall " is a football movie that isn't really about football, yet somehow manages to perpetuate every cliche of the genre.

6. Scientists have ruled out the possibility that a star cluster formed far away and somehow migrated near the black hole.

7. Very stressful, but I was somehow able to come out on top.

8. The Mo Yan fever somehow reflects a twisted social mentality and the power of commercial speculation.

9. Somehow everything that's kitsch, twee and contrived about Xintiandi works to this restaurant's favor.

10. He was fleeing to the airport and had somehow been left clutching a pair of yellow underpants from his costume.

somehow 英英释义


1. in some unspecified way or manner
    or by some unspecified means

    e.g. they managed somehow
           he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him
           he tried to make is someway acceptable

    Synonym: somewaysomewaysin some wayin some manner

2. for some unspecified reason

    e.g. It doesn't seem fair somehow
           he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it

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