
sophistication是什么意思 sophistication在线翻译 sophistication什么意思 sophistication的意思 sophistication的翻译 sophistication的解释

sophistication [səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn]  [səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn] 

sophistication 基本解释

名词老练,精明; 强词夺理,诡辩; 伪品,掺杂品; 有教养

sophistication 网络解释

1. 诡辩:sophisticated老于世故的 | sophistication 诡辩 | spat小争吵

2. 挑剔:Pasta意大利面制品, 意大利面食(包括通心粉及面条等) | Sophistication 挑剔 | Entity实体;整体

3. sophistication

3. 混杂(信号的):sonphotography 声像照相术 | sophistication 混杂(信号的) | sorbing agent 吸附剂

sophistication 词典解释

1. (机器、方法的)精密,复杂,先进
    The sophistication of machines or methods is their quality of being more advanced or complex than others.

    e.g. ...the sophistication of one of the world's richest cities...
    e.g. Given the sophistication of modern machines, there is little that cannot be successfully washed at home.

2. (人的)高度文化修养
    Sophistication is the quality of being comfortable in social situations and knowing about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important.


    e.g. James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.

3. 精明老练
    Sophistication is the quality of being intelligent and knowing a lot, so that you are able to understand complicated situations.

    e.g. Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund.

sophistication 单语例句

1. Boasting dark wood paneling and floor to ceiling windows offering an eyeful of Houhai, this small jazz dive defines rugged sophistication.

2. Though officials have started eschewing their old ways, they are still far from being adept at communication skills and sophistication.

3. It may be just a moon crater to most, but Chinese sophistication demands at least five different ways of referring to it.

4. The peak demand for transport requires considerable sophistication in planning and dispatching on the railway departments'part.

5. China's retail fashion market has shown significant growth and dynamism recently due to a growing number of international outlets and increased sophistication in local retailers.

6. This was so obvious a fabrication - by someone who is too into melodrama - that one could only laugh at its lack of sophistication.

7. Strict licences for firecracker retailers and detailed technical standards for firecrackers sold on the local market showed a high degree of sophistication.

8. It may look rustic, but the sophistication is all in the details.

9. Perhaps we should learn a little from Mo's dedication, sophistication and " hallucinatory realism " in these times of challenges and opportunities.

10. Both are noted for their high degree of sophistication - culturally, industrially and technologically.

sophistication 英英释义


1. falsification by the use of sophistry
    misleading by means of specious fallacies

    e.g. he practiced the art of sophistication upon reason

2. the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment

    Synonym: worldlinessmundanenessmundanity

3. being expert or having knowledge of some technical subject

    e.g. understanding affine transformations requires considerable mathematical sophistication

4. a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone

    Synonym: sophismsophistry

5. uplifting enlightenment

    Synonym: edification

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