
spearhead是什么意思 spearhead在线翻译 spearhead什么意思 spearhead的意思 spearhead的翻译 spearhead的解释 spearhead的发音 spearhead的同义词

spearhead [ˈspɪəhed]  [ˈspɪrhed] 


spearhead 基本解释

名词矛头; 先头部队; 先锋,前锋; 枪尖

及物动词带头; 当…的先锋


spearhead 相关例句


1. Plastics spearheaded the advance in synthetic materials.

2. spearhead什么意思

2. The airborne troops spearheaded the crossing of the river.


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack.

spearhead 网络解释

1. spearhead在线翻译

1. 矛尖:还有野战或攻城时,为了护身和抵挡敌人攻击的大盾(pavise),这种大盾的上缘刻有一些大沟(bouche)在射矛时,有支撑矛的前端的作用.另外,如果矛刃(spear blade)和矛尖(spearhead)的基部有一对沟型的突出物(lobe)这种矛状武器,

2. 前置液:spear-head 混油头;打捞矛头 | spearhead 前置液 | spearhead rope socket 矛尖绳帽

3. 刨尖头:retainerpin嵌件梢 | spearhead刨尖头 | retainerplate托料板

spearhead 词典解释

1. 领导;倡导;当…的先锋
    If someone spearheads a campaign or an attack, they lead it.

    e.g. ...Esther Rantzen, who is spearheading a national campaign against bullying...
    e.g. Helicopters can to some extent take the place of tanks by spearheading the airborne attack.

2. 前锋;先头部队
    The spearhead of a campaign is the person or group that leads it.


    e.g. The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets.

spearhead 单语例句

1. Three Chinese dancers spearhead California's Ballet San Jose tour of China this month and the young men are jumping for joy.

2. Chinese national team members Zhang Weiwei and Wang Xinying spearhead the local legion, which features 32 golfers who have clinched crowns in various amateur tournaments.

3. So with the scarcer sources, the spearhead of the international oil conflict will soon point to China.

4. Susan Downey will spearhead the development process and will oversee the hiring of a writer.

5. It was expected to spearhead economic development in China's central and western regions.

6. Government and community leaders should spearhead a move to create a culture of openness and support to eliminate the stigma associated with domestic violence.

7. The reform accelerated two years ago, when the State Council issued a systematic reshuffling plan to spearhead industrial reform.

8. Zhang said she never have the thought as the figure to spearhead Chinese women players instead of the defending champion Wang.

9. The city has been assigned by the provincial government the mission of becoming the spearhead for the development of western Guangdong.

10. They will spearhead the national squad competing in Madrid, where they aim to retain their mixed doubles crown.

spearhead 英英释义


1. the head and sharpened point of a spear

    Synonym: spearpointspear-point

2. the leading military unit in an attack

3. someone who leads or initiates an activity (attack or campaign etc.)


1. be the leader of

    e.g. She spearheaded the effort to find a cure for the disease

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