
spiders是什么意思 spiders在线翻译 spiders什么意思 spiders的意思 spiders的翻译 spiders的解释 spiders的发音 spiders的同义词 spiders的反义词

spiders [s'paɪdəz]  [s'paɪdəz] 


spiders 基本解释

蜘蛛( spider的名词复数 );

spiders 网络解释

1. spiders

1. 天蛛地灭:八脚怪 天蛛地灭(Spiders) 天蛛地灭2/狂莽蛛灾 突出虫围 小魔煞 冰冻蜘蛛 苍蝇 大白鲨 水深火热史前狂鲨 怒海狂鲨 水深火热之生化狂鲨 大白鲨之致命武器 鲨鱼来袭 变种鲨鱼人 深海异种 颤栗汪洋血海食人鲨 新大白鲨 杀人蜂 狂蜂暴 蜂魔 蚊子 异形魔怪 魔窟 黑暗侵袭雷克斯暴龙 蝗虫大军 蝗虫毁灭日 军刀牙 从地心拦截 惊爆

2. 网页爬虫:specialized search engine专用搜索引擎 | spiders网页爬虫 | spike尖峰电压

3. spiders

3. 两个蜘蛛:Cupid's Target 丘比特之箭(射在了树上..汗) | 2 Spiders 两个蜘蛛 | Make A Wish 许愿星

spiders 单语例句

1. When a ray of sunlight managed to slip through the clouds, water droplets clinging to spiders'webs and blades of grass glittered like crystal glass.

2. She used these to alter the fashion sense of a clutch of male spiders.

3. There are currently no products on the market based on the dragline silk of spiders.

4. At least 500 spiders were also discovered, including one that was completely brown except for a pair of almost fluorescent blue fangs.

5. Park rangers said they expect the web to last until fall, when the spiders will start dying off.

6. Male wolf spiders do vary in appearance, particularly in the colour of their forelegs.

7. Scientists investigating the icy waters of Antarctica said yesterday they have collected mysterious creatures including giant sea spiders and huge worms in the murky depths.

8. He has been breeding and observing dozens of spiders at home, and has completed a number of scientific reports published in professional journals.

9. Scientists don't know what kind of spiders they are or where they came from.

10. Instead, he caught spiders and dried them above a fire and fed them to his son.

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