
spiritual是什么意思 spiritual在线翻译 spiritual什么意思 spiritual的意思 spiritual的翻译 spiritual的解释 spiritual的发音 spiritual的同义词

spiritual [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl]  [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl] 


spiritual 基本解释


形容词精神的; 心灵的; 高尚的,崇高的; 宗教的

名词圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的); 教会事物


spiritual 同义词

spiritual 反义词

spiritual 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 精神的:我希望你们了解'精神的'(spiritual)这个字真正的意思. 其函意是去找寻、去探索心真正的体性. 外在并非是精神的. 我的念珠不是精神的;我的衣袍也不是精神的. 精神的是心的意思,注重心性的人探寻精神的体性. 透过这样,

2. (心靈):Weekly Review有一个概念叫做,磨亮利器(Sharpen the Saw),也就是之前我们线上课程提过的四大需求,分为物质(Physical)、情感(Social)、心智(Mental)、心灵(Spiritual)四大部份.

3. 灵魂:大约是我们的神经系统(scientific)或我们的灵魂(spiritual)会记得我们做过的事, 好似Kally自从吃了一个好味的猪扒包, 咁猪扒包的色香味手感等就在妳个脑中, 当妳接触到勾起妳记忆的事, 妳就会想起, 咁现实中妳当然知道自己不是吃猪扒包al.

spiritual 词典解释

1. 精神(上)的;心灵(上)的
    Spiritual means relating to people's thoughts and beliefs, rather than to their bodies and physical surroundings.

    e.g. She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.

Our whole programme is spiritually oriented but not religious.
...the peaceful spirituality of Japanese culture.

2. 宗教(上)的;宗教信仰(上)的
    Spiritual means relating to people's religious beliefs.

    e.g. The spiritual leader of Ireland's 3.7 million Catholics...
           爱尔兰 370 万天主教徒的宗教领袖
    e.g. A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.

3. 灵歌(原为美国黑奴所唱的一种宗教歌曲)
    A spiritual is a religious song of the type originally sung by black slaves in America.


4. 精神家园;精神故乡
    Your spiritual home is the place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there.


spiritual 单语例句

1. Attach equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization and run the country by combining the rule of law with the rule of virtue.

2. If our children are allowed to become captive to materialism, later generations may become unable to differentiate between material riches and emotional or spiritual riches.

3. Spanish actor Bardem appears as a troubled priest facing a crisis of faith, extending the plot into the realm of the spiritual from the physical and emotional.

4. Forum is one of the most direct ways to explore the Expo theme and carry forward the spiritual heritage of the Expo.

5. You can rest assured that the spiritual heart of Catholicism knows how to do Christmas.

6. The Sun and Deified Birds convey a kind of cohesive and centripetal force, reflecting the upward spiritual strength of the Chinese nation.

7. The answer is that in the past several decades he has tried to cheat people in the guise of a " spiritual or religious leader ".

8. Chi is addicted to portraying trivial things in common people's lives, while Tian pursues a high spiritual standard in her plays.

9. The choreography is both delicate and dynamic, conveying the essence of the roles from both a visual and spiritual perspective.

10. Counselors and clergy were available " to address their spiritual needs, " Schoch said.

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