
spring gauze是什么意思 spring gauze在线翻译 spring gauze什么意思 spring gauze的意思 spring gauze的翻译 spring gauze的解释 spring gauze的发音

spring gauze [spriŋ gɔ:z]  [sprɪŋ ɡɔz] 

spring gauze 基本解释

spring gauze


spring gauze 网络解释

1. 春纱:spring forming machine 弹簧成形机 | spring gauze 春纱 | spring governor 弹簧调速器

spring gauze 双语例句

1. In the Sufei shop, has chocked up the belt tassels'Chinese type back cushion, silk fabrics wallet which the edge plate buckles, colored, has nearby the fine decoration meal the cloth, the plum blossom design assorted door knob sheath, embroiders the snowflake to decorate the heart shape Christmas which China ties to hang the decoration, the thick cotton material is the thick silk bolting spring teapot wrap, has the collar to have the gauze which or silk fabrics beverage bottle clothes the plate buckles, wraps in the fine gauze bag's lavandula spica, to scatter the plate which the candy resembles in the tray to take away the chopsticks wrap, has an unconventional idea paper matsyasana sunlight chimney, but also has each use attractive glassware, both tradition and modern age, is also antique warm refinedly.

2. Invisible screen including yam net and competent, spring box, shaft bearings, shaft, the seat of the yarn nets rolls receive composed with ordinary screens, the function, can also according to need to adjust the Windows and screens, when will the opening window open, with the Windows open, yam net block, when open window closes, gauze net in spring rolls receive institutions under the action of elasticity, winding in charge of shaft, does not occupy a space, do not affect the beautiful window glass, switch or concealed or now, convenient installation, is a kind of push-pull window and supporting the use of ideal screens.

3. Oil pan, Oil Pipe, Rubber Hose, Water tube, Valve Seal, Washer, Waterproof ring, Stop-Ring, Dustproof cover, Ripple tube, Bonded seals, Seal cover, Seal holder, Bearing sleeve, Handle, Bushing, Bushing Block, Pad, Gasket, Rubber Spring Gasket, Boot, Blade, Socket, Grommet, Nut, Clip, Housing, Gauze, Dust cap, Buffer block, Isolation block, Piston, Piston ring, Strainer, Rotary seal, Frictional damping washer, Combination Seal Gasket, Axis guide, Water blocking, Torque core, Repair kits, Hydraulic Seal, Engine Seal, Engine Mount, Seal Circle, Spring(Compression spring, Tension spring, Disc spring), Compressor parts, Brake parts, Air valve parts, Rubber mountings, Strut mount, Control arm mount, Connecting rod, Control Arm Mount, Full Set Repair Kit, Asbestos pad, non-asbestos pad, Casting aluminium, Casting copper, Casting steel, and other relative product etc, .

4. spring gauze

4. Oil pan, Oil Pipe, Rubber Hose, Water tube, Valve Seal, Washer, Waterproof ring, Stop-Ring, Dustproof cover, Ripple tube, Bonded seals, Seal cover, Seal holder, Bearing sleeve, Handle, Bushing, Bushing Block, Pad, Gasket, Rubber Spring Gasket, Boot, Blade, Socket, Grommet, Nut, Clip, Housing, Gauze, Dust cap, Buffer block, Isolation block, Piston, Piston ring, Strainer, Rotary seal, Frictional damping washer, Combination Seal Gasket, Axis guide, Water blocking, Torque core, Repair kits, Hydraulic Seal, Engine Seal, Engine Mount, Seal Circle, Spring(Compression spring, Tension spring, Disc spring), Compressor parts, Brake parts, Air valve parts, Rubber mountings, Strut mount, Control arm mount, Connecting rod, Control Arm Mount, Full Set Repair Kit, Casting aluminium, Casting copper, Casting steel, and other relative product etc, .

5. spring gauze

5. Every Spring Festival, local handicraftsmen make the frame of a dragon, paste paper or gauze on its surface and paint dragon scales after it dries up.

6. Now average prices rebounded before Spring Festival of 2%, gauze prices by 5%.

7. spring gauze的近义词

7. Hang up a bunch of spring onions, and use gauze to wrap up the green sections of the onions, and there will be no more mosquitoes.

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