
spur是什么意思 spur在线翻译 spur什么意思 spur的意思 spur的翻译 spur的解释 spur的发音 spur的同义词 spur的反义词 spur的例句 spur的相关词组

spur [spɜ:(r)]  [spɚ] 


spur 基本解释


名词马刺; 激励因素; 支柱; (公路或铁路的)支线

及物动词鞭策; 策(马)前进; (尤指用马刺)策(马)加速

不及物动词策马飞奔; 急速前进


spur 相关词组

1. on the spur of the moment : 一时冲动地, 立刻;


spur 相关例句


1. The rider spurred his horse on.

2. spur的意思

2. He spurred his players to fight harder.


1. He spurred forward to his destination.


1. A spur of rock stuck out from the mountain.

2. This book is a spur to the child's imagination.

3. The thought of the prize was the spur for the team.

spur 网络解释

1. 距:有的花瓣上延伸出或长或短的管状突起,称为距(spur),如紫花地丁、耧斗菜、凤仙花等. 有的植物花瓣分化为檐部(limb)与瓣爪(claw)两部分,即花瓣上部扩大形成檐部,花瓣基部狭缩形成瓣爪,例如石竹、油菜的花.

2. spur的翻译

2. 径迹:正电子素的形成机理较复杂,对其描述的理论模型主要包括能隙模型(Ore-gap)和径迹(Spur),主要用于o-Ps在低温下高聚物中的湮没. 自由体积模型(Free volume)适用于高聚物,气泡模型(Bubble)适用于液体.

spur 词典解释

1. 鼓励;激励
    If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.

    e.g. It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats...
    e.g. His friend's plight had spurred him into taking part.

2. 促进;加速;推动
    If something spurs a change or event, it makes it happen faster or sooner.

    e.g. The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth...
    e.g. The trade pacts will spur an exodus of US businesses to Mexico.

3. 刺激;激励;推动力
    Something that acts as a spur to something else encourages a person or organization to do that thing or makes it happen more quickly.

    e.g. ...a belief in competition as a spur to efficiency...
    e.g. Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.

4. 马刺;靴刺
    Spurs are small metal wheels with sharp points that are attached to the heels of a rider's boots. The rider uses them to make their horse go faster.

5. 山嘴;尖坡
    The spur of a hill or mountain is a piece of ground which sticks out from its side.

6. 一时冲动;心血来潮
    If you do something on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly, without planning it beforehand.

    e.g. They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment...
    e.g. It wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision. We discussed it in detail beforehand.

7. 获得地位;赢得名望
    If you win your spurs or earn your spurs, you achieve a particular status by proving that you can do something skilfully.

    e.g. Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house.

spur 单语例句

1. Chinese airlines are expanding as rising incomes and trade growth spur demand for leisure and business travel.

2. You would think this would spur educators to take action, and a few have.

3. Ban has made a new climate treaty his top priority, calling a summit on climate change on September 22 to spur political support.

4. It can take weeks to tell the extent of damage, and months of intense rehabilitation to try to spur the brain's capacity to recover.

5. The increase in refining and ethylene capacity will spur the development of the related equipment building and manufacturing segment.

6. The mainland would do good to establish such a system, for it would spur government officials to make active efforts to prevent food safety scandals.

7. Datong hopes to capitalize on the city's rich historical resources and develop tourism as an emerging force to spur the growth of local economy.

8. Many developers are cutting prices on new projects to spur sales and raise cash, especially in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.

9. So much wealth tied up in piles of cold steel and cement may hinder the government's plan to spur domestic demand.

10. The city of Wuxi hopes to spur foreign investment to its services sector by opening a chamber of commerce office in New York.

spur 英英释义



1. a railway line connected to a trunk line

    Synonym: branch linespur track

2. a sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to urge a horse onward

    e.g. cowboys know not to squat with their spurs on

    Synonym: gad

3. a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something

    e.g. the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves

    Synonym: goadgoadingprodproddingurgingspurring

4. tubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowers

5. any sharply pointed projection

    Synonym: spineacantha


1. goad with spurs

    e.g. the rider spurred his horse

2. equip with spurs

    e.g. spur horses

3. strike with a spur

4. give heart or courage to

    Synonym: goad

5. incite or stimulate

    e.g. The Academy was formed to spur research

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