
squad是什么意思 squad在线翻译 squad什么意思 squad的意思 squad的翻译 squad的解释 squad的发音 squad的同义词 squad的反义词 squad的例句

squad [skwɒd]  [skwɑ:d] 


squad 基本解释

名词(军队中的)班; (暗杀)小组; 体育运动的运动(代表)队; (对付某类犯罪活动的)警察队伍

及物动词把…编成班; 把…编入班

squad 相关例句


1. A squad is the smallest unit in an army.

squad 网络解释

1. squad的意思

1. 小组:单位是小组(Squad)或是核心(Cell),小组是我们对美国海军陆战队(U.S. Marine)每个单位的术语,同样的,核心就是暴民的单位. 每个小组/核心包含了8个成员,第一个进入该小队/核心的人将会成为指挥官. 暴动透过增援波浪来让玩家重返战场.

2. 分队:并由海军陆战队代为训练其在越战中获得的爆破、狙击、侦察、战斗等宝贵经验,,对当时治安产生很大的作用. 1967年洛城警局将这支部队纳编为D中队(D platoon),编制约60名成员,以每小队(element)5名成员,两小队为一分队(squad)的编制执行任务,小队

squad 词典解释

1. (专门处理某类犯罪的)警察分队
    A squad is a section of a police force that is responsible for dealing with a particular type of crime.

    e.g. The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called...
    e.g. The club is under investigation by the fraud squad.

2. (将从中挑选运动员组队参赛的)运动队,大名单
    A squad is a group of players from which a sports team will be chosen.

    e.g. Sean O'Leary has been named in the England squad to tour Argentina.

3. 班;小队
    A squad of soldiers is a small group of them.

    e.g. ...a squad of commandos.

squad 单语例句

1. An Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia executed two girls by firing squad, and hundreds of residents of a town were forced to view the spectacle.

2. Mascherano paid tribute to the caliber of his new teammates and said he was determined to earn his place in the squad.

3. With the country now producing nearly as many top calibre basketball players as footballers, the quality of the Spanish squad is undeniable.

4. It's fabulous to have a player of this calibre on our squad.

5. Juan Mata had to move to Valencia to get first team football and recently received a call up to the Spain national squad.

6. Maradona yelled insults at an injured cameraman after accidentally running over his feet following his World Cup squad announcement.

7. The'Gangster Squad'actor apparently refused to cohabit with his actress girlfriend who it emerged he was dating last September.

8. The hit squad of the cartel " Los Zetas " is the most violent and dangerous group of organized crime in Mexico.

9. A parade squad made up of 300 people dressing in cartoon costume also showed up on the street to entertain the crowd.

10. The Catalan side had also said they were not prepared to release Ronaldinho to join Dunga's Brazil squad for next month's Beijing Olympics.

squad 英英释义



1. a small squad of policemen trained to deal with a particular kind of crime

    Synonym: police squad

2. a cooperative unit (especially in sports)

    Synonym: team

3. a smallest army unit

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