
square bracket是什么意思 square bracket在线翻译 square bracket什么意思 square bracket的意思 square bracket的翻译 square bracket的解释

square bracket [skwɛə ˈbrækit]  [skwɛr ˈbrækɪt] 

square bracket 基本解释


square bracket 网络解释

1. 方括号:(3) 可以用方括号(square bracket)将字符串合并成更大的串,例如:(6) 建立二维数组(two dimensional array)一样可以直接输入,只须加方括号,并用分号分行,每行字数必须一致,不足处可用空格补充.

2. square bracket的近义词

2. 方括弧:square 自乘 | square bracket 方括弧 | square cascade 方形级联

3. 方括号;方括号:[正]方阵列 square array | 方括号;方括号 square bracket | 平方列联 square contingency

4. 方格形,方括号:square box wrench ==> 方套筒扳手 | square bracket ==> 方格形,方括号 | square brick ==> 方砖

square bracket 双语例句

1. We should distinguish the square bracket from two straight bars enclosing a determinant.

2. Used to indicate aggregation or to clarify the grouping of quantities when parentheses and square bracket s have already been used.

3. square bracket的解释

3. The result above is not really helpful, so what we need to do is retrieve the value of a specific node, to do that we can replace the asterisk sign with square bracket operator and a number indicating the position of the child in the XML file.

4. To save more space, opt for Newer Technology`s NuShelf This acrylic shelf or bracket allows you to mount the Mac Mini right under your computer table (or below any shelf of your computer table), saving you an additional 36 square inches of your precious table top.
    为了节省更多的空间,选择新技术的nushelf这丙烯酸大陆架或支架可让您装入的Mac Mini的权利,根据您的电脑桌(或以下的任何大陆架您的计算机表),以节省您的额外36平方英寸你珍贵表顶端。

5. square bracket

5. The character following the escape character must be percent sign, underscore, left square bracket, right square bracket, or the escape character.

6. So I guess I should go back, and let me do this correctly this way. Again, I can look at test, test and I guess test now if I want to get the element out & angle bracket or square bracket?

7. For the basic structure that is welded by two rectangle steel tubes or two square steel tubes, under bending loads, when the thickness of basic structure is divided by bracket joint side length, which is approximately 1.2, the stress decrease tends to be smooth.

8. Typing square bracket caret zero dash nine will exclude all numbers from matching.

9. square bracket的反义词

9. It is provided with a telescopic bracket. The box beam at the external side of the telescopic part of the bracket is inserted into the square hole in the main beam.

10. Using square bracket ([]) notation, you can specify a filter & in this case, the stylesheet filters for Mail items only.

11. square bracket的反义词

11. Most of the container types in Python, including the tuple, allow you to access items easily from the collection using the square bracket operators.

12. square bracket

12. As seen in the example, array sub-indexing is performed using the familiar square bracket syntax, and the sub-index of the first element is 1.

13. And you access all the items in the same way using the square bracket operator, which supports slicing different types of sequential items.

14. And, you can negate a match using a caret after the opening square bracket.

15. These are Parentheses, Square bracket s, Angle bracket s and Brace.

square bracket 英英释义



1. either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material

    Synonym: bracket

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