
stealing是什么意思 stealing在线翻译 stealing什么意思 stealing的意思 stealing的翻译 stealing的解释 stealing的发音 stealing的同义词

stealing ['sti:lɪŋ]  ['sti:lɪŋ] 


stealing 基本解释



动词偷( steal的现在分词 ); 悄悄地做,悄悄地走

stealing 网络解释

1. 偷窃:(五)偷窃 偷窃(stealing)不仅是一种品行障碍,也是少年违法的重要表现之一1-2 岁的幼儿由于 不能完全分清我的',和别人的',东西,看见自己喜欢的就拿;随着自我意识的萌芽,父母要及 时注意对孩子的教育和道德品质的培养,使儿童逐步控制自己,

2. 偷窃术:偷窃术(STEALING) 偷窃术决定您偷取物品时是不是胜利,不管是从PLAYER身上或从这个世界偷窃. 要使用这项技能只需将别人地物品拖放到您身上或是您地背包里即可. 如果失利了,该项物品便会自动回到原来地的方. 要练习偷技,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 妙手空空:找血玉凤凰、捕天网、和XXX(时间太久,忘了,改天进游戏看看再补上)给司空摘星,可以向他学习妙手空空(stealing)

stealing 单语例句


1. Police launched a sting and busted the gang that was stealing cars in the district for several years.

2. The police also cracked more than 200 explosion cases and more than 60 cases of stealing or taking by force explosives.

3. Rio Tinto's business in China was hampered by the arrest of its Shanghai office staff member Stern Hu on charges of stealing State secrets.

4. By the end of July, police had caught Zhen again - this time for stealing ducks.

5. DEA officials say the cartel professes a " Robin Hood mentality " of aiding the poor by stealing from the rich.

6. They found out Carter had been incarcerated in Mississippi four times - twice for stealing, once for violating parole and again for a weapons violation.

7. Gao happened to catch sight of the pickpocket stealing a wallet from a man ahead of him and his mother.

8. A man wanted for stealing cell phones two years ago decided to surrender to police after he recently got tired of evading jail.

9. Cell phone companies have been putting together new promotions in the hopes of keeping their customers or even stealing new ones from their rivals.

10. After a lengthy chase, police caught a man surnamed Liu for stealing a resident's handbag in Chongqing on Sunday.

stealing 英英释义


1. the act of taking something from someone unlawfully

    e.g. the thieving is awful at Kennedy International

    Synonym: larcenytheftthieverythieving

2. avoiding detection by moving carefully

    Synonym: stealth

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