
stopping place是什么意思 stopping place在线翻译 stopping place什么意思 stopping place的意思 stopping place的翻译 stopping place的解释

stopping place

stopping place 双语例句

1. You can do it the backpacker way, stopping at the Sunshine Coast, Airlie Beach and Cairns and no place in between.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The lodging words should be possible to live in the peasant family, I have not gone, but should expensive four, not go to Poshan to play: Leaves the stopping place opposite local bus stop from the Zibo Train station to sit opens the shop - Poshan direct train, the ticket price 6.5 Yuan, about about 1 hour arrives at Poshan. if thought Poshan's some scenic site, after may arrive at Poshan transfers to another vehicle, or in the shop local bus stop also has the minority scenic spot direct train, like New Year limestone cave and so on.

3. One day, when Sun Yang was passing a place, an old horse pulling acart loaded with salt suddenly neighed to him without stopping.

4. This invention relates to a construction technology of the steer pipe concrete, which comprises the following steps: 1 closing the end of the steer pipe before bottling, opening a small hole whose diameter is 10cm-20cm in the upper end of the steer pipe, sealing a small steer pipe vertical to the big steer pipe wall corresponding to the hole, connecting the small pipe with the hose and vacuum pump; 2 pumping under the big steer pipe: the vacuum pipe begin evacuating when the bottling height reach to 1.5m; closing the vacuum pump when the concrete bottles to the place 1m to the big steer pipe top, taking out the hose quickly, stopping construction until it outputs more than 1 m3 concrete, then resecting the small steer pipe and welding the opening hole.
    本发明涉及一种钢管混凝土的施工工艺。一种钢管混凝土的施工工艺,其特征在于包括如下步骤:1。在灌注前,将待灌注的大钢管顶端封闭,在待浇灌的大钢管上端开一直径为10cm-20cm的小孔,并在小孔处垂直于大钢管壁焊上一与小孔直径相应的小钢管,将小钢管用软管与真空泵相连;2。在大钢管下端开始泵送施工:当灌注高度达1.5m以上之后,真空泵开始抽真空;当混凝土灌注到距大钢管顶端1m处时,将真空泵关闭,迅速取下软管,直至排出1 m 3 以上混凝土为止,停止泵送施工,将小钢管割除后将开口小孔焊死。

5. A minor procedure to cauterise the place where the bleeding is coming from can be successful in stopping recurring nosebleeds.

6. stopping place的近义词

6. Generated the project is a great stopping place if it's late in the evening.

7. Agreed stopping places means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route.

8. We had picked by chance for our stopping place an area rich in western lore.

9. stopping place是什么意思

9. Display unit of parking space in a stopping place based on VHDL

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. We place such an unhealthy emphasis in this country upon victory, without stopping to ponder the end game.

11. Their electrical control system without re-instate the limit parameters after the power-off requires remote control, stopping automatically at a limit place and dispensing with reinstalling parameters of the limit place.

12. stopping place在线翻译

12. An automatic stopping device is used to realize automatic stop for the machining of a place of a certain length.

stopping place 单语例句

1. The authorities have revised the 1995 regulation to place more emphasis on stopping drug companies from issuing ads with misleading information.

2. They then have the freedom of staying with the group according to the itinerary or just stopping at an interesting place.

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