
strained是什么意思 strained在线翻译 strained什么意思 strained的意思 strained的翻译 strained的解释 strained的发音 strained的同义词

strained [streɪnd]  [strend] 


strained 基本解释


形容词紧张的; 不友善的; 经过滤的; 态度不自然的,勉强的

动词过滤; 拉紧( strain的过去式和过去分词); 尽量利用; 尽全力

及物动词拉紧; 扭伤; 过滤,滤去; 歪曲

不及物动词受到强大的压力; 不懈; 拉紧,紧绷; 犹豫

名词口气,语调; 过劳损伤; 压力; 紧张状态

strained 相关例句


1. Her greeting was cold and strained.

strained 网络解释

1. 紧张的:strain 过度疲劳 | strained 紧张的 | strainer 松紧扣

2. strained的反义词

2. (关系)紧张的:stern严厉的 | strained(关系)紧张的 | subdue征服

3. 已变形的:strained 紧张的 | strained 已变形的 | strainer bonnet 滤器罩

strained 词典解释

1. 焦虑的;紧张的;担忧的
    If someone's appearance, voice, or behaviour is strained, they seem worried and nervous.

    e.g. She looked a little pale and strained...
    e.g. Gil sensed something wrong from her father's strained voice...

2. (关系)紧张的,不友好的,互相猜测的
    If relations between people are strained, those people do not like or trust each other.

    e.g. ...a period of strained relations between the prime minister and his deputy.

strained 单语例句

1. That in turn, strained the balance sheets of most lenders and prompted them to look for capital replenishment.

2. The huge capital expenditure requirements - coupled with the negative impact of the global financial crisis - has strained the group's coffers.

3. Luggage from the cargo hold strained against the webbing used to keep it from shifting during a flight.

4. But Khartoum welcomed Obama's election saying it hoped his tenure would inject " real change " into the largely strained relations with Washington.

5. She could have overtaken Davenport with a victory at the JPMorgan Chase Open, but had to withdraw before the quarterfinals because of a strained chest muscle.

6. He argues that high levels of immigration have increased the cost of the safety net, slowed economic growth and strained civic cohesion.

7. The move could help improve diplomatic relations between the neighboring Andean countries, which have been strained since Colombia attacked the rebel camp almost two years ago.

8. The two countries have sent envoys to visit each other, conveying messages to respective leaders in the hope of mending the strained bilateral ties.

9. But my breathing soon grew as heavy as my cramped quadriceps with every strained step I took.

10. Iverson sat out with a strained left rotator cuff, the result of a fall in Monday's victory over Miami.


strained 英英释义



1. struggling for effect

    e.g. agonistic poses

    Synonym: agonistic

2. lacking spontaneity
    not natural

    e.g. a constrained smile
           forced heartiness
           a strained smile

    Synonym: constrainedforced

3. lacking natural ease

    e.g. a labored style of debating

    Synonym: laboredlaboured

4. showing signs of mental and emotional tension

    e.g. her voice was strained as she asked the question

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