
streetwise是什么意思 streetwise在线翻译 streetwise什么意思 streetwise的意思 streetwise的翻译 streetwise的解释 streetwise的发音 streetwise的同义词

streetwise [ˈstri:twaɪz]  [ˈstritˌwaɪz] 

streetwise 基本解释


streetwise 网络解释

1. streetwise

1. 大街:士之一俯冲( Skydive ) 五位飞行战士之一飞火( Fireflight ) 五位飞行战士之一空袭( Air raid ) 五位飞行战士之一守护神/保卫者( Defensor ) 合体型巨型战士热点( Hot Spot ) 五位急救战士之一大街( Streetwise ) 五位急救战士之一

2. streetwise的近义词

2. 大街 雷达威:First Aid 急救员 大国手 | Streetwise 大街 雷达威 | Blades 刀刃 霹雳飞刀

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 生存能力:traps圈套,陷阱 | streetwise生存能力 | poisons毒伤,中毒

4. streetwise的近义词

4. 熟悉民间疾苦的; 下层生活中打过滚的 (形):streetwalking 拉客卖淫 (名) | streetwise 熟悉民间疾苦的; 下层生活中打过滚的 (形) | strengthen 加强, 变坚固; 变强大; 变坚挺 (动)

streetwise 双语例句

1. streetwise的近义词

1. Opening act: a group of talented participants depict the streetwise humor of ordinary Nairobians to prepare viewers for the Milimani Rotaract club's entertaining fundraiser.

2. streetwise

2. It was a very interesting combination of streetwise pragmatism and philosophy.

3. He came across as streetwise, but in reality he was not.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens.

5. streetwise

5. [Thomas, Percy and Toby are] a bit like three small boys & but yet rather more commonsense and know-how and streetwise than your average three small boys.

6. She recently adopted a streetwise Washington youngster from a crime-ridden neighborhood whose father was in jail.

7. streetwise的意思

7. Let's say that he's streetwise, you know.

8. It's the most streetwise business book there is--and the ultimate read for anyone interested in money and success.

9. While incredibly proficient with a computer, Ghent's streetwise skills could have used a little work.

10. Check out Streetwise Tips on Face-to-Face Selling to learn how to make the right hiring decisions, and encourage enthusiasm.

11. We Hate Each Other is not a satisfactory story as I am not a good story teller. Moreover, I am not streetwise enough.

12. The Shadow Robot company's dextrous hand robot, performs a task at the Streetwise Robots event held at the Science Museum's Dana Center on May6, 2008 in London, England.

13. LV = Streetwise released the survey to launch its safety roadshow, which helps to educate children about safety in the home and outdoors.

14. Taking one glance at that miserable child, streetwise Charlie instinctively looks up as if to quiz both the refuse-throwing householders and the heavens above as to just exactly where this baby has come from.

15. Kids seem much more streetwise these days.

16. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

16. Training shoes are an important streetwise status symbol for many teenagers.

17. In theory, he adds, the power of suggestion alone is enough to persuade the most streetwise person to hand over their valuables.

18. His career image has seen him transcend from streetwise rapper, to sitcom actor, and back to streetwise rapper.

19. The Shadow Robot company's dextrous hand robot, performs a task at the Streetwise Robots event held at the Science Museum's Dana Center on May6,2008 in London, England.

streetwise 单语例句

1. With the capital's traffic bottlenecks now the stuff of legend, the majority of streetwise residents still favour the underground network.

2. Yu is a streetwise Communist agent planted in a Kuomintang secret spy organization.

3. The astute MBA has a very different approach to fashion buying from the streetwise Shen.

4. One thing to make Jia happy is he found the Chinese footballers are becoming " streetwise " thanks to more exposure to international games.

streetwise 英英释义


1. having the shrewd resourcefulness needed to survive in an urban environment

    Synonym: street smartwith-it

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