
stronghold是什么意思 stronghold在线翻译 stronghold什么意思 stronghold的意思 stronghold的翻译 stronghold的解释 stronghold的发音 stronghold的同义词

stronghold [ˈstrɒŋhəʊld]  [ˈstrɔ:ŋhoʊld] 


stronghold 基本解释

名词据点; 要塞; 根据地


stronghold 相关例句


1. The robbers had a stronghold in the mountains.

stronghold 网络解释

1. 据点:载地址:装载卡车竞赛2(Rig Racer 2)下载地址:多浪迪警官(Torrente)下载地址:靓女卡丁车(Bction Girlz Racing)下载地址:极品飞车(Need For Speed)下载地址:乱武天下下载地址:跑跑卡丁车下载地址:据点(Stronghold)下载地址:魏蜀吴群

2. stronghold是什么意思

2. 堡垒:在最近的几个月,mod_ssl开始支持类似堡垒(Stronghold)的方法--使用共享内存高速缓冲存储器. 随着新的会话高速缓冲存储器的到来,有责任正确地配置它. 如果系统需要越多的并发操作会话和更长的会话终止时间,就需要更大的内存块来做会话高速缓冲存储器.

stronghold 词典解释

1. (持共同态度或信仰的人的)大本营,据点
    If you say that a place or region is a stronghold of a particular attitude or belief, you mean that most people there share this attitude or belief.

    e.g. The westernmost part of north Wales is a stronghold of Welsh-speakers...
    e.g. The seat was a stronghold of the Labour party.

2. (某种动物的)主要栖息地
    If you say that a place is a stronghold of a particular type of animal, you mean that more of that type of animal live there than in other places.

    e.g. Shetland is the last stronghold of otters in the British Isles.

stronghold 单语例句

1. Another chant said rebels would take their uprising to Gaddafi's stronghold of Tripoli.

2. Experience in neighboring Helmand province has proved how difficult it can be to establish an effective government presence after clearing a militant stronghold.

3. Literally translated as " mountain stronghold ", shanzhai usually refers to fake products or clone culture.

4. Rebels have been pushed back on two previous advances toward Tripoli, both times as they approached the heavily fortified Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte.

5. Some activists said the violence was triggered by a wave of army defections in Homs, a stronghold of protests and armed insurgents who Assad has vowed to crush.

6. Government forces of Libya pulled back 100 km from the main opposition stronghold of Benghazi on Monday after a weekend of air attacks.

7. Renault took the wraps off the car they believe can break Ferrari's stronghold on Formula One.

8. US envoy Chris Stevens is still in the opposition's stronghold of Benghazi in eastern Libya to get a firsthand assessment of the opposition.

9. The fighting came a day after 13 suspected rebels were killed in southern Kandahar province during raids to flush them from a mountain stronghold.

10. For a start, it is not a competitor of Tsingtao in the Chinese brewer's stronghold.

stronghold 英英释义



1. a strongly fortified defensive structure

    Synonym: fastness

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