
stunt是什么意思 stunt在线翻译 stunt什么意思 stunt的意思 stunt的翻译 stunt的解释 stunt的发音 stunt的同义词 stunt的反义词 stunt的例句

stunt [stʌnt]  [stʌnt] 


stunt 基本解释


名词噱头; 惊险动作,特技; 发育不良的动植物

及物动词阻碍…发育(生长); 抑制,妨碍

不及物动词表演特技; 作惊人表演


stunt 网络解释

1. 矮化:矮缩(dwarf)是由于茎秆或叶柄的发育受阻,叶片卷缩,如水稻矮缩病;矮化(stunt)是枝叶等器官的生长发育均受阻器官受害程度相减少比例相仿,放出现矮化,如玉米矮化病等.

2. 特技;噱头:17.screen 隔板;荧幕;荧光屏 | 18.stunt 特技;噱头 | 19.theater 戏院;剧院

3. 特技;噱头 Stun 惊吓,使晕倒:119 stopover 中途停留 | 120 stunt 特技;噱头 Stun 惊吓,使晕倒 | 121 subsidiary 子公司

stunt 词典解释

1. 引人注意的花招;噱头
    A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it.

    e.g. In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck.

2. (电影中的)特技表演
    A stunt is a dangerous and exciting piece of action in a film.

    e.g. Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.

3. 阻碍(生长);妨碍(发展);遏制
    If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.

    e.g. The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit...
    e.g. High interest rates have stunted economic growth.

Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
...low stunted trees.

4. 冒险;逞能;干傻事
    If someone pulls a stunt, they do something silly or risky.


    e.g. The days when they needed to pull publicity stunts to get noticed are long gone.

stunt 单语例句

1. David Blaine's latest stunt is spending a week living in an acrylic sphere filled with water.

2. Cate Blanchett's sons were impressed when she messed up a stunt.

3. Religious leaders have condemned the mock crucifixion as an act of hostility toward the Roman Catholic Church and as a publicity stunt in bad taste.

4. Chestnut said the new allegations amount to nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to damage his client's reputation.

5. However, child protection agencies said the stunt was likely to attract the wrong type of attention.

6. Child protection agencies said the stunt was likely to attract the wrong type of attention.

7. He drew a comparison between the appeal of stunt performances in mainstream action films and the erotica portrayed in porn.

8. Liu's parents are currently seeking unspecified damages from the film's production companies head stunt coordinator.

9. The custom made skates used for the stunt were designed and made by Dirk Auer himself.

10. The story may be a publicity stunt by The Advocate, or a hoax in the style of veteran media prankster Alan Abel.

stunt 英英释义


1. a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat
    usually done to gain attention

2. a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth


1. perform a stunt or stunts

2. check the growth or development of

    e.g. You will stunt your growth by building all these muscles

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