
stylist是什么意思 stylist在线翻译 stylist什么意思 stylist的意思 stylist的翻译 stylist的解释 stylist的发音 stylist的同义词 stylist的反义词

stylist [ˈstaɪlɪst]  [ˈstaɪlɪst] 


stylist 基本解释


名词发型师; 造型设计师; 文体家

stylist 网络解释

1. stylist

1. 造型师:造型师(Stylist)这个职业,是由于在20世纪70年代初期美国兴起了大量生产、大量采购的市场形态与需求,造成流行产品量产化的急速攀升,企业界在面对如此庞大的生产数量时,意识到在流行产品的运作上,必须要具备流行产业全方位的专业人才,

2. 形象设计师:上海模帝施化妆技术培训学校市场部-入学商谈职位要求 模帝施是专门培养专业化妆师(Make-up)和形象设计师(Stylist)的公司,是具有年历史的外资企业. 为了准备在徐家汇OPEN,现招聘市场部(入学商谈)职员若干名.

3. 设计师:上海模帝施化妆技术培训学校市场部-入学商谈职位要求 模帝施是专门培养专业化妆师(Make-up)和形象设计师(Stylist)的公司,是具有年历史的外资企业. 为了准备在徐家汇OPEN,现招聘市场部(入学商谈)职员若干名.

stylist 词典解释

1. 发型师
    A stylist is a person whose job is to cut and arrange people's hair.

    e.g. Choose a stylist recommended by someone whose hair you like.

2. (广告、明星形象等的)造型设计师
    A stylist is someone whose job is to create the style of something such as an advertisement or the image of people such as pop singers.

    e.g. She is now a writer and fashion stylist.

3. 文体家;追求风格的人
    If you describe someone as a stylist, you mean that they pay a lot of attention to the way they write, say, or do something so that it is attractive and elegant.

    e.g. He is the finest stylist in the English language of today.

stylist 单语例句

1. I indicated to the top male stylist what I wanted and closed my eyes for a second time.

2. Rocker Courtney Love is looking for a new stylist after her fashion advisor left her and teamed up with Madonna.

3. Britain's Duchess Catherine's fashion sense has been hailed " amazing " by a top Hollywood stylist.

4. The'What To Expect When You're Expecting'star revealed that the situation was more awkward because the stylist was a friend.

5. Ask someone with locks you love for the name of her stylist.

6. There's no point trying to eat steamed fish and vegetables every day - at least that's what food writer and stylist Silvana Franco believes.

7. It's heady stuff, which recalls the extravagance that earned Fellini a reputation as an epic stylist.

8. It's also indisputable that he's a visual stylist with an amazing eye for the kinds of details that make his images so vivid.

9. Although Natalie only chose the dress at the last minute, her stylist Kate Young previously revealed it was a perfect fit and needed no alterations.

10. If you plan on going traditional this Chinese New Year, heed fashion stylist Vik Lim's advice for updating the look.

stylist 英英释义



1. someone who cuts or beautifies hair

    Synonym: hairdresserhairstyliststyler

2. an artist who is a master of a particular style

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