
subsidize是什么意思 subsidize在线翻译 subsidize什么意思 subsidize的意思 subsidize的翻译 subsidize的解释 subsidize的发音 subsidize的同义词

subsidize [ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz]  ['sʌbsɪdaɪz] 


subsidize 基本解释


及物动词以津贴补助; 以金钱收买; 向…发放奖金; 用贿赂拉拢

subsidize 相关例句


1. Farming is partly subsidized by the government.

subsidize 网络解释

1. 资助:我认为这个看法未必是答案的全部,简单来说,人民币的滙率,是中国一些可以在全世界自由买卖的货品,跟那些不可以自由买卖的货品,两者之间的一个相对价格( Relative Price),去资助( Subsidize)一些竞争力较低的行业和企业.

2. 补贴:题目是:如果政府补贴(subsidize)农植,农产品之价会上升还是下降呢?所有课本或理论分析都说农产品之价会下降. 你当然知道这个答案,知道是本科一年级第六个星期教到的. 但你会想,张五常是个怪人,思想无奇不有,必有怪招伏着,

3. 贴:这是无效率,政府应该补贴(subsidize)给果园,鼓励多植树. 另一方面,蜜蜂采蜜之际,无意间把花粉传播,使果花结子的数量增加. 但果园的主人没有给钱养蜂的购买蜜蜂传播花粉的服务. 这样,在边际上蜜蜂的饲养就过少了. 从社会的角度看也是无效率,

subsidize 词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 subsidise

1. 资助;补助;给…发津贴
    If a government or other authority subsidizes something, they pay part of the cost of it.


    e.g. Around the world, governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups...
    e.g. At the moment they are existing on pensions that are subsidised by the government.

...heavily subsidized prices for housing, bread, and meat.
...the subsidising of London's transport.
...the federal government's subsidisation of poorer parts of the country.

2. (政府)资助,出资支持
    If a government subsidizes an industry, they provide money so that the industry can continue.


    e.g. The government continues to subsidize the production of eggs and beef.
    e.g. ...a government decision to subsidise coal mining.

...Scotland's subsidised theatre.
...the subsidization of Japanese agriculture.

subsidize 单语例句

1. Zhou called for the government to set up an industrial fund using national and social capital to subsidize miners.

2. The ministry would also subsidize demonstration projects producing ethanol from cellulose, sweet sorghum and cassava or making biodiesel from forest products.

3. He said it is not appropriate for healthy policy holders to subsidize the chronically ill.

4. To promote use of cleaner and thus expensive fuel or other energy, the government is obligated to subsidize either the producers or consumers of such cleaner products.

5. It is a good idea for the central finance to subsidize the clearing of huge debts local authorities have incurred in popularizing compulsory education.

6. When the State is adjusting the prices of finished oil products, oil giants should assist the government to subsidize disadvantaged groups and public sectors.

7. The government will subsidize 50 percent of investment for solar projects as well as relevant transmission and distribution systems that connect to grid networks.

8. The consolation team has agreed with local education authorities to subsidize students from the families that are affected.

9. China has also proposed that developed nations contribute 1 percent of their GDP to subsidize efforts by poor nations to cut emissions.

10. The government will subsidize the cost of orphans in foster homes, offering certain amounts of money to the foster families.

subsidize 英英释义


1. support through subsidies

    e.g. The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized

    Synonym: subsidise

2. secure the assistance of by granting a subsidy, as of nations or military forces

    Synonym: subsidise

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