
sudden death是什么意思 sudden death在线翻译 sudden death什么意思 sudden death的意思 sudden death的翻译 sudden death的解释 sudden death的发音

sudden death [ˈsʌdən deθ]  [ˈsʌdn dɛθ] 

sudden death 基本解释

名词猝死; 暴死,突然死亡法; 急死

sudden death 网络解释

1. 突然死亡:十、<<突然死亡>>(Sudden Death) 龙之身份:前消防队员潜龙之地:曲棍球场馆 剧情 消防队员达伦与孩子前往欣赏冰上曲棍球比赛,女儿却突然走失. 在寻找爱女时,竟发现一群恐怖分子驻扎在体育馆内,而且假装成警察及保安,

2. sudden death是什么意思

2. 猝死:[猝死] 猝死(sudden death)指自然发生、出乎意料的突然死亡. 世界卫生组织定为发病后6小时内死亡者为猝死,多数作者主张定为1小时,但也有人将发病后24小时内死亡者也归入猝死之列. 各种心脏病都可导致猝死,但心脏病的猝死中一半以上为冠心病所引起.

3. 急死:这种由于潜在的疾病或功能障碍所引起的突然的意外死亡,法医学上称之为猝死(Sudden unexpected natural death)或急死(Sudden death). 猝死发病突然、死亡急骤(以24小时为限),还具有意外性和自然性与非暴力性. 反常的精神、心理因素,

4. 骤死:NFL联盟有可能在这个月的会议上,改变现有的季后赛的加时赛采骤死(sudden death)球来决胜负的模式.

sudden death 词典解释

1. 突然死亡法(比赛出现平局时在加时赛中先得分者即为胜方)
    Sudden death is a way of quickly deciding the winner of something such as a football or basketball game or a golf tournament when there are equal scores at the time when it would normally end. In a sudden-death situation, the first team to score a goal or the first golfer to win a hole is the winner.

    e.g. Twenty games have gone to sudden death—a new cup record...
           已经有 20 场比赛是靠突然死亡法决出的胜负——创下了杯赛的一项新纪录。
    e.g. He beat Bernhard Langer at the second hole of a sudden death play-off.

sudden death 单语例句

1. Cameroon was plunged into grief by the sudden death of the midfielder, an unsung hero of the country's dominant position in African football over the last decade.

2. Autopsy of one of the dead showed the patient died of sudden cardiac death, according to a statement posted on the website of the ministry.

3. Other researchers at Oregon Health & Science University set out to discover how fish oil supplements prevent sudden cardiac death.

4. This comes a full year and three weeks after the sudden death of its director, the late Chinese oil painter Chen Yifei.

5. The study did not take into consideration several other diseases usually associated to secondhand smoke, such as the sudden infant death syndrome and chronic respiratory diseases.

6. She said the coroner's jury finding did not explain her daughter's sudden death due to illness.

7. If the scores are still tied, the match is decided by sudden death penalties.

8. Ronan - a devout Catholic - admits Stephen's sudden death has caused him to question his religious beliefs.

9. His colleagues and others in the media expressed their shock after his sudden death and said those in the media work under too much pressure.

10. At that same time, another prisoner's sudden death shocked Lu into recognizing the fragility of human existence.

sudden death 英英释义


1. (sports) overtime in which play is stopped as soon as one contestant scores
    e.g. football and golf

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