
sunburn是什么意思 sunburn在线翻译 sunburn什么意思 sunburn的意思 sunburn的翻译 sunburn的解释 sunburn的发音 sunburn的同义词 sunburn的反义词

sunburn [ˈsʌnbɜ:n]  [ˈsʌnbɜ:rn] 


sunburn 基本解释


sunburn 相关例句


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. He is sunburned from a day on the beach.

2. We were all sunburned from a day on the beach.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Her skin sunburns very quickly.


1. The cream protects your skin from sunburn.

sunburn 网络解释

1. 晒伤:日光性皮炎(Solar Dermatitis)又称晒斑或晒伤(sunburn). 是由于日光的中波紫外线过度照射后,引起人体局部皮肤发生的光毒反应. 其反应的程度与光线强度、照射时间和范围以及肤色的深浅和体质差异有关. 经常参加户外锻炼,使皮肤产生黑色素,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 日晒伤:日晒伤(sunburn)又称晒斑,是强烈日光照射后引起的局部急性红斑,水肿性皮肤炎症. 是由日光中的中波紫外线照射过度引起的急性炎症反应. 中波紫外线作用表浅,仅限于表皮,强烈照晒造成表皮角朊细胞坏死,释放的介质导致真皮血管扩张,

3. sunburn

3. 晒红:包装上的SPF号码只代表对UVB的抵抗系数,只告诉你搽了以后可以在阳光下有多久方会晒黑和晒红(Sunburn). 并没有告诉你有没有挡住UVA. 因此你必须看清楚成份里面有无含有物理防晒剂,Zinc Oxide,Titanium Dioxide或化学防晒剂Oxybenzone或Avobenzone(Parsol 1789).

sunburn 词典解释

1. 晒伤;(因过度晒太阳而引起的)皮肤灼伤
    If someone has sunburn, their skin is bright pink and sore because they have spent too much time in hot sunshine.


    e.g. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour...
    e.g. I was concerned that I was not protected and would get a sunburn.

sunburn 单语例句

1. For those who love to frolic in the water and avoid sunburn, this indoor water park is an ideal choice.

2. The weather will be warm during the Expo opening ceremony, and experts encouraged visitors to drink plenty of water and take preventative measures against sunburn.

3. Blackcurrants in particular protect against UV skin damage and reduce the ageing effect of sunburn by neutralising free radicals.

4. Protection against sunburn and helping keep the skin looking youthful are the latest pluses, a study has found.

5. But the publicity that the ban received may linger for the city like a bad sunburn.

6. They also suggested residents to drink more water and take measures to prevent sunburn in the hot and dry weather.

7. Research has shown that sunburn in children can more than double the risk of developing skin cancer later in life.

8. You should also use sunblock as the risk of sunburn is greater at high elevations.

9. That's because you don't need a sunburn to suffer the effects that can cause various types of skin cancer.

10. She too visited a grave, at the pet cemetery located in Beijing north sunburn Changping District.

sunburn 英英释义



1. redness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun

    Synonym: erythema solare

2. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun

    Synonym: tansuntanburn



1. get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun

    Synonym: burn

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