
survivor是什么意思 survivor在线翻译 survivor什么意思 survivor的意思 survivor的翻译 survivor的解释 survivor的发音 survivor的同义词

survivor [səˈvaɪvə(r)]  [sərˈvaɪvə(r)] 


survivor 基本解释


名词生还者; 幸存者,残存者; 遗物,残存物; 重新正常生活的人

survivor 相关例句


1. There was only one survivor from the plane crash.

survivor 网络解释

1. survivor

1. 生存者游戏:这种情形与星期四<<未来闪影>>(FlashForward)与<<生存者游戏>>(Survivor)的较量如出一辙. ABC的<<未来闪影>>首播时也超越了CBS的<<生存者游戏>>,但只过两周就没落了. ABC的<<与星共舞>>(Dancing With the Stars)结果秀1620万观众,

survivor 词典解释

1. 幸存者;生还者;幸免于难者
    A survivor of a disaster, accident, or illness is someone who continues to live afterwards in spite of coming close to death.


    e.g. Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash.

2. 遭遇过(不幸经历)的人;经受过(苦难)的人
    A survivor of a very unpleasant experience is a person who has had such an experience, and who is still affected by it.


    e.g. This book is written with survivors of child sexual abuse in mind.

3. (死者的)尚在世的家人;遗属
    A person's survivors are the members of their family who continue to live after they have died.


    e.g. The compensation bill offers the miners or their survivors as much as $100,000 apiece.

4. 能在艰苦环境中生存的人;挺过困难者
    If you describe someone as a survivor, you approve of the fact that they are able to carry on with their life even though they experience many difficulties.

    e.g. Above all Susie is a great survivor, with a bright, indomitable spirit.

5. 活到现在的人;留存至今的事物
    If you describe a person or thing as a survivor from an earlier period, you mean that they are still present or available, but other people or things from that period have died or disappeared.

    e.g. Rafferty was the sole survivor from the successful Ireland team of 1988.
           拉弗蒂是 1988 年红极一时的爱尔兰队硕果仅存的球员。
    e.g. ...a black 1950 Cyclops, which is the only known survivor of 30 test cars built by Rover.
           路虎制造的 30 辆试验车中目前仅存且为人所知的就是一辆 1950 年的黑色 Cyclops 遥控机械排爆车。

survivor 单语例句

1. The search for survivors goes on not just because the national leadership vows to have every site of collapse scouted and every survivor rescued.

2. The child was the last survivor rescued from the deadly train collision, which has left at least 39 dead and 192 others injured.

3. The first season of " Survivor " generated notoriety for virtually every losing contestant, setting the pattern for every reality show since.

4. But what is different this time is that each survivor pulled out of the debris was televised nationwide and reported in headline news.

5. A sole survivor was reportedly rescued by the Tunisian coast guards in a state of advanced dehydration after he was spotted by local fishermen.

6. Another survivor confirmed the account and said local fishermen refused to help drowning passengers who jumped off the crowded boat.

7. One survivor said the boat struck a reef as it tried to elude police.

8. One survivor said the boat struck a reef as they tried to elude police.

9. Relief teams rushed to the site following the emergency call, but were only able to retrieve a single survivor and two bodies.

10. Details remain sketchy and it was not entirely clear the last survivor was the youngster but Sanchez's account indicated as much.

survivor 英英释义


1. an animal that survives in spite of adversity

    e.g. only the fittest animals were survivors of the cold winters

2. one who outlives another

    e.g. he left his farm to his survivors

3. one who lives through affliction

    e.g. the survivors of the fire were taken to a hospital

    Synonym: subsister

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