
sweeping是什么意思 sweeping在线翻译 sweeping什么意思 sweeping的意思 sweeping的翻译 sweeping的解释 sweeping的发音 sweeping的同义词

sweeping [ˈswi:pɪŋ]  [ˈswipɪŋ] 


sweeping 基本解释

形容词彻底的; 影响广泛的,全面的; 扫荡的,一网打尽的

动词扫( sweep的现在分词)

名词扫除; (pl.)垃圾

sweeping 相关例句


1. Let's give the room a good sweeping.

sweeping 网络解释

1. sweeping的意思

1. 扫舱:另是像扫舱(sweeping)或者弄走垫货料 (dunnage removal)是否算作卸货作业的部分工作. 在卸货结束后,承租人与船东再也没有任何租约的关系了,只剩下来是结算欠下或者 赚取的滞期费或者速遣费.如果双方有争议(这是经常发生的事情),

2. 旋刮[砂]:旋風淨塵器cyclone scrubber dust collector | 旋刮[砂]sweeping | 旋刮板sweep

3. 扫除:sweeper 清扫夫 | sweeping 扫除 | sweepingly 扫荡地

sweeping 词典解释

1. (弯曲)大幅度的,延伸的
    A sweeping curve is a long wide curve.

    e.g. ...the long sweeping curve of Rio's Guanabara Bay.

2. (陈述、总结)一概而论的,笼统的
    If someone makes a sweeping statement or generalization, they make a statement which applies to all things of a particular kind, although they have not considered all the relevant facts carefully.

    e.g. It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.

3. (变化)巨大的,重要的,有广泛影响的,深远的
    Sweeping changes are large and very important or significant.

    e.g. The new government has started to make sweeping changes in the economy...
    e.g. The armed forces would be given sweeping new powers.

4. see also: sweep

sweeping 单语例句

1. The administration has put forward a sweeping overhaul package but Congress has yet to act on it.

2. Royal carriages drawn by mounted troops of the Household Calvary will roll to the palace in a sweeping procession under fluttering rows of Union Jacks.

3. Allowing European debt problems to fester and grow by sweeping them under the carpet through dubious theatrics can only make those problems worse.

4. It will also catalyze a sweeping environmental revolution throughout society and bring profound changes to people's lifestyles.

5. Abe's sweeping parliamentary victory on Sunday was greeted with caution in South Korea, where newspapers pointed to his past comments on Japan's admissions over sex slavery.

6. Chang was acutely concerned about the downside of a sweeping nationalistic fervor.

7. Residents of the capital donned surgical masks and authorities ordered the most sweeping shutdown of public gathering places in a quarter century.

8. The attacks offer a sweeping narrative on evolving tactics by Sunni insurgents who have proved remarkably adaptable.

9. A new trend is sweeping the city of Shanghai as more people want darker skin, a big change from traditional views that hold white skin is more beautiful.

10. It was the third such firing of a ruling party governor this year stemming from a sweeping graft investigation in the chaotic West African country.

sweeping 英英释义



1. the act of cleaning with a broom



1. ignoring distinctions

    e.g. sweeping generalizations
           wholesale destruction

    Synonym: wholesale

2. taking in or moving over (or as if over) a wide area
    often used in combination

    e.g. a sweeping glance
           a wide-sweeping view of the river

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