
symbolic是什么意思 symbolic在线翻译 symbolic什么意思 symbolic的意思 symbolic的翻译 symbolic的解释 symbolic的发音 symbolic的同义词

symbolic [sɪmˈbɒlɪk]  [sɪmˈbɑ:lɪk] 

symbolic 基本解释


symbolic 相关例句


1. The snake is symbolic of evil.

symbolic 网络解释

1. 符号的:不可否认,这种观念曾经极大地推进了认知科学以及关于认知科学的哲学解释,导致了对认知的物理的(physical)、符号的(symbolic)和语义的(semantic)三个层次的说明.

2. 象征的:品牌可为消费者提供同的,主要分为三种:功能的(functional)、体验的(experiential)以及象征的(symbolic)品牌. 分述如下:功能性(functional benefits)主要是解决内在产生的消费需求,强调品牌产品的菜单现. 这些通常结相当基本的动机,

3. symbolic在线翻译

3. 象征性的:定位过程从定位概念(Positioning Concept)开始,定位概念有实用的(Functional)、象征性的(Symbolic)和实验性的(Experiential). 目前燃气热水器行业主要定位概念有(附图表7):定位是企业战略的最要部分之一,需要认真调研,

4. 符号:(1)符号(Symbolic)主义 认为思维的基元是符号,因此强调以逻辑为基础. 这是人工智能的主流. (2)连结(Connection)主义 认为思维过程是神经网络的边疆活动,而不是符号的运算过程. (3)行为(Behavior)主义 认为智能取决于感知和行动,

symbolic 词典解释

1. (事件、行动、程序)象征的,象征性的
    If you describe an event, action, or procedure as symbolic, you mean that it represents an important change, although it has little practical effect.


    e.g. A lot of Latin-American officials are stressing the symbolic importance of the trip...
    e.g. The move today was largely symbolic.

It was a simple enough gesture, but symbolically important.

2. 象征…的;作为…的象征的
    Something that is symbolic of a person or thing is regarded or used as a symbol of them.

    e.g. Yellow clothes are worn as symbolic of spring...
    e.g. The change from long to short hair is symbolic of the woman's need for change in her whole life.

Each circle symbolically represents the whole of humanity.

3. 符号的;记号的
    Symbolic is used to describe things involving or relating to symbols.


    e.g. ...symbolic representations of landscape.

symbolic 单语例句


1. Smith believes that the Japanese government's symbolic act of apologizing for the disease was not enough.

2. Such a consumption pattern reflects that the symptomatic or symbolic value of a product for the buyer is much higher than its use value.

3. Poland's parliament honored her in a March 14 ceremony and the country is pushing her candidacy - mostly symbolic - for the Nobel Peace Prize.

4. Dozens of leftist sympathizers from neighboring countries joined the protests, which many saw as symbolic of a wider struggle against a capitalist establishment.

5. " The rate hike is more symbolic than actual, " she said.

6. Iran's Foreign Ministry yesterday joined the country's Parliament in labeling the US Army and Central Intelligence Agency as terrorist organizations in a largely symbolic move.

7. The most symbolic bronze arts of ancient China chronicle the past 12 centuries, and cover a wide range of objects from vessels to weapons.

8. Guards of honor placed 10 floral baskets in front of a symbolic clock showing the time of the quake.

9. War contingency legislation has long been perceived as symbolic of the shift in Japan's security strategy since the start of the Cold War.

10. The sites of prior school massacres are etched on our minds, a symbolic shorthand for the violence and malevolence that none of us can comprehend.


symbolic 英英释义



1. serving as a visible symbol for something abstract

    e.g. a crown is emblematic of royalty
           the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish

    Synonym: emblematicemblematicalsymbolical

2. relating to or using or proceeding by means of symbols

    e.g. symbolic logic
           symbolic operations
           symbolic thinking

    Synonym: symbolical

3. using symbolism

    e.g. symbolic art

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