
tango是什么意思 tango在线翻译 tango什么意思 tango的意思 tango的翻译 tango的解释 tango的发音 tango的同义词 tango的反义词 tango的例句

tango [ˈtæŋgəʊ]  [ˈtæŋgoʊ] 


tango 基本解释





tango 网络解释

1. tango的解释

1. 探戈舞:探戈舞(TANGO)起源于非洲中西部的一种民间舞蹈--探戈诺舞. 十六世纪末和十七世纪初,探戈诺舞传到美洲大陆,融汇了拉美一些民间舞蹈的风格,形成墨西哥式和阿根廷式两种探戈舞. 后来,探戈舞又传入欧洲,

2. 探戈舞曲:他在当晚还表演了两段个人独奏,这两部作品为李斯特的<<爱之梦>>(Liebestraum)和<<探戈舞曲>>(Tango). 朗朗两岁起开始接触钢琴,五岁的时首次进行公开演出,他在去年八月的北京奥运会开幕式上进行了精彩的演出. 目前朗朗居住在美国.

3. 情欲飞舞:<<情欲飞舞>> (Tango) 阿根廷 卡洛斯.史卡拉<<我的母亲>> (Todo sobre mi madre) 西班牙 阿莫多瓦<<东与西>> (Est-Ouest) 法国 何吉.瓦格内<<喜马拉雅>> (Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef) 尼泊尔 艾瑞克.瓦利<<索罗门与加诺>> (Solomon and Gaenor)

tango 词典解释

1. 探戈(舞)
    The tango is a South American dance in which two people hold each other closely, walk quickly in one direction, then walk quickly back again.

2. 探戈舞曲
    A tango is a piece of music intended for tango dancing.

    e.g. A tango was playing on the jukebox...
    e.g. The sounds of tango filled the air.

3. 跳探戈舞
    If you tango, you dance the tango.


    e.g. They can rock and roll, they can tango, but they can't bop.

tango 单语例句

1. The main character is making the definitive film about tango when his girlfriend leaves him.

2. Some evenings will include live professional Latin dance demonstrations such as Brazilian samba and Argentinian tango.

3. You don't need to take the time to fly over the ocean in order to watch the classic Broadway musical Forever Tango.

4. On Fridays and Saturdays there is a party with Argentinean tango music and wine.

5. The Day an Angel Came to Buenos Aires is a Tango dance drama by Argentine artists.

6. " Chinese people also struggle with tango's intimacy, " she said.

7. Bush tickling a poodle representing British leader Tony Blair on the White House lawn, then leading him in a tango in the desert.

8. Two men locked in a tight embrace step in time to the mournful chords of a tango.

9. Reporter Emily Steel talks to one woman who is determined to make tango a regular event across the city.

10. While the steps are not in the repertoire of Argentine tango, they share the same music and the same seductive quality.

tango 英英释义


1. a ballroom dance of Latin-American origin

2. music written in duple time for dancing the tango


1. dance a tango

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