
tapping是什么意思 tapping在线翻译 tapping什么意思 tapping的意思 tapping的翻译 tapping的解释 tapping的发音 tapping的同义词 tapping的反义词

tapping ['tæpɪŋ]  ['tæpɪŋ] 


tapping 基本解释



动词开发( tap的现在分词 ); (从容器等)汲取(液体); 割[打]开…取[放]液体; 轻拍,轻敲


tapping 网络解释

1. tapping

1. 开孔:采用扩孔(Reaming)和开孔(tapping)在植入部位去除牙骨,使其成型,并插入植体与植体植入传动器或插入装置(insertion instrument)相连,植入植体切断愈合帽(healing plug)等的工具* 扭力过大导致植入传动器和固定物(fixture hex)受损SLOCK?

2. 放液:利用与牙科手柄(Handle)相连的扩孔钻,可在口腔外去除牙骨与穿刺放液(tapping),在插入植体(fixture)时使用牙科手柄(handle)也可进行穿刺放液(tapping).

3. tapping的近义词

3. 輕按:与系统互动包括滑动(swiping),轻按(tapping),挤压(pinching)及旋转(reverse pinching). 此外,通过其内置的加速器,可以令其旋转装置改变其y轴以令屏幕改变方向,这样的设计另iPhone更便于使用.

4. tapping什么意思

4. 轻敲:人们在手势操作手机上是以轻敲(Tapping)的方式是接受度最高的本份Paper是利用网路问卷的方式来运作,其后做出概略prototype来做实验,是以轻敲手机(Tapping)的方式来运作.

tapping 单语例句

1. Social entrepreneurs equipped with businesslike ideas are seeking solutions to some of society's intractable problems by tapping private or public funding.

2. China already gained experience from consumer subsidies in the past couple of years in tapping this latent buying power.

3. As Chinese companies expand globally, they are not merely buying up raw materials and tapping new markets.

4. The action means that Fannie and Freddie won't be tapping the Fed's emergency borrowing program for a quick source of cash.

5. The Party branch held a discussion on the change, and held that it would facilitate management and the tapping of the employees'initiative.

6. A boom in exploration tripled rig usage over the past four years, adding to a global shortage and causing delays in tapping petroleum reserves in Indian waters.

7. Countries like the US have long halted tapping this strategically important material in order to protect the environment and conserve resources.

8. They've even started tapping into Medicaid Advantage, which allows the elderly and disabled to get benefits through private health insurers.

9. The agency also has the option of tapping a $ 500 billion line of credit with the US Treasury.

10. Lawmakers rejected a proposal to bar Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from paying dividends while they are tapping the Treasury's expanded line of credit.


tapping 英英释义


1. the sound of light blow or knock

    e.g. he heard the tapping of the man's cane

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