
taxis是什么意思 taxis在线翻译 taxis什么意思 taxis的意思 taxis的翻译 taxis的解释 taxis的发音 taxis的同义词 taxis的反义词 taxis的例句

taxis ['tæksɪs]  ['tæksɪs] 


taxis 基本解释

整复法,排序;出租汽车( taxi的名词复数 );

taxis 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 趋(向)性:趋向性(taxis)包括趋化性、趋氧性、趋光性、趋磁性等,是微生物的一种定向移动,是其适应环境变化而生存的一种基本属性,它使微生物具有寻找食源和逃避毒性环境的能力,

2. taxis

2. 趋性:根据感觉能力或行为方式的不同把定向分为动态 (kinesis)、趋性(taxis)和横定向(transverse orie- rltati()n)三大类 动态是对卜刺激并无明确的反应方向的定向 山J屯刺激的强度l(l]引起移动速度或频率的反应称直动 态.

3. taxis是什么意思

3. 出租车:从机场到学校的交通工具一般是:机场客运的机场巴士(Airport shuttles)、小型往返公车(Supper Shuttles)、机场轻轨火车(Air Trains)、地铁(Subways)、火车(Trains)、公共汽车(Buses)、出租车(Taxis)等.

4. 整复法, 排序:circular orifice 圆隔片[板] | taxis 整复法, 排序 | find a common denominator 找到共同点 找到大家都能接受的办法

taxis 单语例句

1. Cab drivers went on strike in another two Chinese towns on Monday, demanding government intervention on issues including high monthly cab rental fees and unlicensed taxis.

2. Plans to add more than 800 parking spaces for taxis in Beijing to ease the difficulty of hailing a cab have received a lukewarm response.

3. Most of the foreign commentators expressed the concern that installing surveillance cameras inside taxis would herald more government intrusion into people's private lives.

4. A China Southern plane taxis on a runway after landing while an Air China flight departs at Beijing Capital International Airport.

5. These efforts include closing major polluters, removing obsolete taxis from the roads and retrofitting gasoline stations to capture harmful chemicals.

6. Taxis are regarded as the " name card " of a city.

7. New catalytic converters will also be installed on LPG taxis and minibuses.

8. After the Dalian Charity Federation placed donation boxes in the team's taxis in 2006, passengers often put coins or even all their change into the boxes.

9. As compensation, the railway station arranged for taxis to take each passenger home free of charge.

10. Police were checking all taxis that entered and left the downtown district on Friday, as well as any suspicious vehicles at major crossings.


taxis 英英释义


1. the surgical procedure of manually restoring a displaced body part

2. a locomotor response toward or away from an external stimulus by a motile (and usually simple) organism

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