
teakwood是什么意思 teakwood在线翻译 teakwood什么意思 teakwood的意思 teakwood的翻译 teakwood的解释 teakwood的发音 teakwood的同义词

teakwood ['ti:kwʊd]  ['ti:kˌwʊd] 

teakwood 基本解释


teakwood 网络解释

1. 柚木:在科威特市场广受欢迎的木材包括:柚木(teakwood)、红杉(redwood)、桃花心木(mahogany)以及压缩板. 价格最高的是柚木,每立方英尺250科第(约750美元),红杉和桃花心木分别是每立方英尺240科第和230科第. 木板的售价则根据木材的种类以及厚度而定,

2. 跆拳道:钢琴、美术、音乐、武术太极、跆拳道(teakwood),各类舞蹈,包括拉丁舞(latin)、肚皮舞、健康街舞(hip-hop)、瑜伽(yoga)、芭蕾(ballet)、有氧操(cardio)、各种形体训练(body-shaping)等等,电脑等各类软件学习,价格视市场而定.

teakwood 双语例句

1. Young people are going crazy about Korean TV dramas, Korean pop songs, teakwood and the Korean language.

2. The teakwood may fade away. It probably did—or has.

3. In the few femaining herb shops, you can still sit on stiff teakwood chairs and breathe the strange air compounded of a thousand exotic herbs.

4. Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky; and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire.

5. teakwood在线翻译

5. Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky

6. Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like fern s covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky

7. It has top notes of wet greens, geranium leaves, sicilian lemon, lavender and chocolate; a heart of honeysuckle, magnolia and muget, and a base of musk, vetiver, bois de cashmere, teakwood and amber.

8. Comparative analysis has been done between the origin, development, international promotion of the model of Teakwood and the promotion of the problems in the development process of Chinese martial arts.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Glazed walls framed in teakwood have been introduced to let in natural light and to visually connect the guests to the surrounding landscape.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. Teakwood to The evolution of international development and characteristics of the system in order, comparing the advantages of the development of martial arts, the Chinese martial arts to international development recommendations accordingly and change methods.

11. Teakwood in Korea and martial arts in China are both belong to the national traditional sports which developed in Eastern countries. There is a long history and culture sediment of the two events.

teakwood 英英释义


1. hard strong durable yellowish-brown wood of teak trees
    resistant to insects and to warping
    used for furniture and in shipbuilding

    Synonym: teak

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