
tenacity是什么意思 tenacity在线翻译 tenacity什么意思 tenacity的意思 tenacity的翻译 tenacity的解释 tenacity的发音 tenacity的同义词

tenacity [tə'næsətɪ]  [təˈnæsɪti] 

tenacity 基本解释

名词[物]韧性,韧度; 固执,坚持; 不屈不挠; 黏性


tenacity 网络解释

1. tenacity什么意思

1. 坚忍不拔:坚忍不拔,固执 ten + a + city 只剩下十个(ten)人了,还在坚守一座(a)城市(city),真可称得上不屈不挠、坚忍不拔(tenacity)了吧. 4 形声法记单词 汉字中de形声字一般由两个偏旁组成,一个形旁表示大而模糊de义类,一个声旁表示字de读音,

2. tenacity什么意思

2. 坚韧性:以上两例均使用动物形容人的性格,分别是对坚韧性(tenacity)和才干(capacity)的评判. 人们对驴子和小鸡有约定俗成的刻板印象(stereotype),因此能够迅速对隐喻做出准确判断, 同时,语言使用者还可以通过名词性隐喻将所作判断预设化,

3. tenacity什么意思

3. 坚持:即使客观条件是多麼困难,他们也会坚持(tenacity)把事情做好,想尽办法寻求妥协. 有人将人生比喻作一场游戏,在这个世界追逐财富亦自然是一种游戏,故此人们玩大富翁、桥牌和飞行棋等游戏,亦往往能以小见大,从游戏过程中体会到一些商业道理.

tenacity 词典解释

1. 坚韧;坚毅
    If you have tenacity, you are very determined and do not give up easily.


    e.g. Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.

tenacity 单语例句


1. One may disagree with the couple's political beliefs, but we must surely emulate their tenacity in pursuing those ideals.

2. After testing the density and tenacity of the bone, they changed it into a pen container by cutting and grinding it down to size.

3. And the entire opening ceremony was crowned and wrapped up in a defining moment of fortitude and tenacity.

4. She applauded Zheng's gutsy effort, praising her tenacity on the big shots.

5. Her tenacity paid off and Deng has never left the sporting world.

6. Leverkusen stuck to attacking down the wings and their tenacity brought them two chances midway through the half.

7. They may cheer for the victory of their favorite teams or athletes, and they may applaud the tenacity losing athletes have displayed.

8. In a tough environment with unique natural conditions, they have demonstrated vitality and tenacity in pursuing a happy life.

9. This would probably make the dispute more complicated and weaken the tenacity of a negotiated settlement.

10. The power and tenacity of the selected traditions and their practitioners are appreciable, though the display of the treasures is not that attractive.

tenacity 英英释义


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