
tenderloin是什么意思 tenderloin在线翻译 tenderloin什么意思 tenderloin的意思 tenderloin的翻译 tenderloin的解释 tenderloin的发音 tenderloin的同义词

tenderloin [ˈtendəlɔɪn]  [ˈtendərlɔɪn] 

tenderloin 基本解释

名词里脊; 牛腩; (牛、羊等的)腰部嫩肉; 腩

tenderloin 网络解释

1. 腰部嫩肉:事实上,Bistecca该词来源于英语的beefsteak,而一块完美的牛排大约一英寸厚,完整的拥有T骨(T bone),腰部嫩肉(tenderloin)和里脊(filet).

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 菲力:专家建议,牛小排一定要点全熟;肋眼牛排(ribeye)点八分熟;纽约克(Striploin)最好点五分熟;如果你不怕生,顶级菲力(Tenderloin)最好吃三分熟. 依不同部位油花分布多寡,来决定熟度最恰当. 菲力(Tenderloin)是牛肉中最嫩的一块肉,

3. 田德隆区:深夜一点多,也敢从苏马区(SoMa)荒凉的灰狗巴士站离开,慢慢走向位於田德隆区(Tenderloin)的小旅馆,完全不考虑危不危险之类的事. 因为大胆所带来的心灵开放系统,也使得旧金山回报给我全世界最精彩的人性磁场体验. 我在旧金山遇到的怪人何其多,

tenderloin 单语例句

1. With 600 g of beef tenderloin flanking two sides of the pot, the only casualty of this succulent skirmish is hunger.

2. We had three mains including the roasted duck, the Atlantic cod and the Wagyu tenderloin.

3. The teppanyaki beef tenderloin is good but the Australian wagyu beef version is only available on the a la carte menu for 380 yuan.

4. The Wagyu tenderloin was topped with a piece of foie gras, giving this lean cut of meat some richness and sweetness.

5. Main Course Grilled beef tenderloin with pepper sauce or grilled sea bass with Mustard sauce.

6. For those wary of raw fish the beef tenderloin and vegetables in fresh spring roll is another choice as a cold appetizer.

7. If you like good tenderloin, this is the place for you.

8. The seared beef tenderloin with cilantro green chili sauce is one such dish.

9. The highlight was no doubt the braised beef tenderloin on the bone.

10. Grilled beef tenderloin with Cognac sauce or grilled salmon steak with tomato and Balsamic sauce.

tenderloin 英英释义


1. the tender meat of the loin muscle on each side of the vertebral column

    Synonym: undercut

2. a city district known for its vice and high crime rate

    Synonym: combat zone

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