
the world of mortals是什么意思 the world of mortals在线翻译 the world of mortals什么意思 the world of mortals的意思 the world of mortals的翻译

the world of mortals

the world of mortals 双语例句

1. From this time, ChiDiZi and BaiDiZi had been all come into the world of mortals and were preparing a dynastic changes battle for their different destinies.

2. This is not in the manner in which common mortals and the ignorant of the world say that Brahma is eternal.

3. The material life is disturbingly noisy, the inside of the world of mortals roll to turn, much more several joys and sorrows, that make I low arrive dust in of that person, where be he?

4. The below the moon thoughts and feelings is curling up in the air, weaving to become one cage pure dream, look for in the world of mortals.

5. Does this sort of sentment and distance implies that the world of mortals have hoodwinked our once simple and pure spirits?

6. Don't stop to go to sing such as a graceful and restrained phrase person:All world of mortals things of the pasts, annihilate in the phrase rhyme of a long distance mist-shrouded waters, but such as alone dark night HUA KAI, release light sadness quietly.

7. To save the life of the garden no longer be eating fruit, (actually it is worried that no difference between him and ordinary mortals), God again in the entrance to the Garden of Eden had inserted a seven-bladed Sword, and changing the way the way to the Garden of Eden Since then, also no longer attract the buyers who left this world, there is only so miserable a desolate beauty of legend.

8. the world of mortals

8. H:……and be taken down by the Buddhist mahāsattva Impervioso and the Taoist illuminate Mysterioso into the world of mortals, where it had lived out the life of a man before finally attaining nirvana and returning to the other shore……on the back of the stone was inscribed the following quatrain

9. This by the lake is he with her world, there is no hullabaloo, there is no world of mortals.

10. The autumnal winds rises suddenly, then ground a ground of month of with simple elegance, stand on the world of mortals, I try to use the eye that a pair of fall, seeing through a material life.

11. In the billowing world of mortals, she is the most eternal scenery, though some broken-down.

12. From man's betrayal, This text will study the love of Inebriate World of Mortals on the analysis of the leading character's image.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. The world of mortals is billowing, but I is which, float to concuss, but where is its marriage again.

14. Always have the feeling, see world of mortals lavishly only three words, don't put all the cast mind.

15. Down in the world of mortals they experienced rivalries and frustrations, and enjoyed earthly friendships and loves.

16. Gloomy look back, the world of mortals on the road, trudge a long distance in the bush of the reinforced concrete, the of the city well lane cover up of, exhausted heart.

17. the world of mortals

17. And his encounter with old mistress hibbins, if it were a real incident, did but show its sympathy and fellowship with wicked mortals, and the world of perverted spirits.

18. In the world of mortals coming from the bitter, so much, I should accept.

19. the world of mortals的反义词

19. The Conversion to The World of Mortals: A non-religious life of buddhist nun

20. Throughout the earlier ages of an evolutionary world, few mortals go to judgment on the third day.

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