
thickens是什么意思 thickens在线翻译 thickens什么意思 thickens的意思 thickens的翻译 thickens的解释 thickens的发音 thickens的同义词



thickens 基本解释

变厚,使更厚( thicken的第三人称单数 );使不清晰,使模糊;使复杂;变得不清晰,变得模糊;

thickens 双语例句

1. When combined with acidic fruit juice such as lemon juice, sweetened condensed milk thickens to form velvety pie fillings, puddings and other desserts.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Skim off the oil on the surface of the sauce. Cook over high heat until the sauce thickens.

3. The joint capsule also eventually thickens and the joint's range of motion decreases.

4. The blood thickens and blood circulation becomes sluggish, and slowly vital organs cannot receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients causing all kinds of diseases and eventual death.

5. Add corn flour thickening to sauce in the frying pan and cook until sauce thickens.

6. Neurulation is an important stage in the embryo development of vertebrate, during which the ectoderm thickens into epidermal neural plate and then forms neural folds and neural tube.

7. Frying pan get angry, plus adequate water, add sugar (and water ratio is about 4:3) gently stir until the syrup thickens when the ball into the egg, gently turn pot, so that juice egg wrapped ball end of the pan from the fire, eggs, fish out the ball, a plate can be.

8. Continuous or repeated scratching will result to lichenification of the skin, which is essentially a characteristic of leathery skin where it thickens.

9. Tried to peel it off, but the skin thickens, just like the one on ur middle finger.

10. This one emphasizes and thickens the eyelashes, and this one here lengthens and defines lashes.

11. If it is at noon and you are in the strongest sunshine, you look the brightest and cast a shadow that thickens to be a dark-blue iron-color mass.

12. thickens的意思

12. It also thickens the shampoo formula so it`s easier to pour.

13. As time goes on, different types of microorganisms appear, and the plaque thickens.

14. It is coming in foggy; we had better get home before it thickens.

15. thickens的翻译

15. The plot thickens: if it wasn't Judy I saw you with last night, who was it?

16. In the second act of the play the plot thickens.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. T gives shine and thickens hair and is used to eliminate dandruff.

18. thickens的近义词

18. As the collagen layer thickens, older collagen calcifies and older chondrocytes deteriorate.

19. Slowly stir the hot nilk into the yolk mixture, return to the saucepan and cook until thickens.

20. In a pot mix the cream, milk and split vanilla pod place over moderate heat until simmering, pour the milk and cream over the eggs and sugar whilst mixing with a spoon add the mixture back to a pot, stirring continuously over a moderate heat until the sauce thickens.

thickens 单语例句


1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy thickens the heart and makes it harder to pump blood.

2. Chytridiomycosis causes lethargy and convulsions, and thickens the skin that frogs breathe through.

3. Stir well over low heat until it thickens but do not allow to boil or it will curdle.

4. The plot thickens with the introduction of a love interest for Kwok, while Cheng's role is altered by his dangerous obsession with martial arts.

5. The plot thickens when she begins expressing her love for an army officer through a myriad of blatantly overt lies.

6. As the plot thickens, both turn out to have a personal connection to the case of missing Kate Meaney.

7. When the sauce thickens and the prawns are firm and pink, remove from heat.

8. Harry's skin thickens with each new chapter as he confronts difficult emotions and challenges.

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