
thousand是什么意思 thousand在线翻译 thousand什么意思 thousand的意思 thousand的翻译 thousand的解释 thousand的发音 thousand的同义词

thousand [ˈθaʊznd]  [ˈθaʊzənd] 


thousand 基本解释

名词一千; 数千; 许许多多; 千位数

形容词一千的; 一千个的; 成千的; 许许多多的

thousand 相关词组

1. one in a thousand : 千分之一, 稀有的, 杰出的;

2. a thousand to one : 千对一;

3. the upper ten thousand : 贵族阶层;

thousand 相关例句


1. I've warned him a thousand times.


1. thousand的近义词

1. The town has a population of ten thousand.

2. thousand

2. The flood took away thousands of lives.

thousand 情景对话


A:I’d like to withdraw some money from my account.


B:Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip, please?



B:Let me just make sure. You want to withdraw one thousand dollars?
      让我确定一下。您要提1000 美元?


A:That’s right.


A:I’d like to apply for a personal loan.


B:How much would you like to borrow?

A:A thousand dollars.
      1000 美元。

B:Let me check with our credit manager (later)


A:Our record shows that your credit rating is quite high. I don’t think you’ll have any problems.

B:What’s the current interest rate?


A:Our monthly interest is 1.5% of the outstanding balance. Would you please fill out this application form?

A Lady orders Lunch-(一位女士点午餐的菜)

A:Can I help you, ma'ma?

B:Yes, what's that over there on the other side of the mashed potatoes?

A:That's chicken a la king.

B:I'm tempted. but I'd better not.

A:Maybe you'd like the macaroni and cheese.

B:No, that's too rich. Just let me have a tossed salad, dark toast, and tea.

A:Do you want Roquefort, or French, or thousand Island dressing?

B:French dressing, please.

A:That'll be two eighty-five altogether.

thousand 网络解释

1. thousand的翻译

1. 一千:(一)贵宾(VIP)等级分类一百(Hundred)的后面须加and(但美语and可以省略),如果百位数为零,要在一千(Thousand)后面加上and.3. 五月一日正式开始背诵第四册,当背到第10课(silicon vallay)的是时候我的嗓子已经受不了了,只要我一背就咳嗽,

2. thousand

2. 一千,千:thoriagram 钍照片 | thousand 一千,千 | threading forceps 缝线镊

3. 一千,一千个:more更多 | thousand一千,一千个 | kilometer公里

thousand 词典解释

The plural form is thousand after a number, or after a word or expression referring to a number, such as ‘several’ or ‘a few’. 用在数字以及 several,a few 等表示数量的词或短语之后时,thousand 的复数形式不变。

1. (数字) 1,000
    A thousand or one thousand is the number 1,000.

    e.g. ...five thousand acres...
           5,000 英亩
    e.g. Visitors can expect to pay about a thousand pounds a day.
           游客每天大概要支付 1,000 英镑。

2. 数千;成千上万
    If you refer to thousands of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them.

    e.g. Thousands of refugees are packed into overcrowded towns and villages...
    e.g. I must have driven past that place thousands of times.

3. a thousand and one -> see one

thousand 单语例句

1. Mazda has lowered its sales estimate in China for the current business year by about 85 thousand vehicles.

2. A girl took the job for money to buy a luxury mobile phone strap that cost several thousand Hong Kong dollars.

3. Complications caused by birth control surgery should be controlled under one per thousand.

4. Iraq's assassination victims by now number as many as a thousand, although no one keeps official count.

5. Since 1993, the accumulated profits reserved by the SOEs amounted to several thousand billion yuan.

6. And Microsoft China tops the enterprise list, with information about over 2 thousand staff members compiled by the website.

7. Such a lineup is compared by some to the Buddha with a thousand hands, a superpower capable of taking care of everything.

8. Several thousand people took part in the event organized by the Beijing Sports Bureau to promote public health.

9. By the time an ambulance and fire engine arrived nearly a thousand onlookers had gathered.

10. It will have a workforce of several thousand employees by 2015, according to the company.

thousand 英英释义



1. the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100

    Synonym: one thousand1000MKchiliadGgrandthouyard



1. denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units

    Synonym: one thousand1000mk

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