
through and through是什么意思 through and through在线翻译 through and through什么意思 through and through的意思 through and through的翻译

through and through

through and through 基本解释

货真价实; 彻头彻尾地; 完全地; 完全,彻底; 彻头彻尾的


through and through 情景对话

Borrow books-(借书)

through and through的翻译

A:Can I help you?


B:Yes, I’m doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject?


A:These books over here are about ancient history. They might be helpful.

B:Can I check this one out?

A:I’m sorry. It’s for reference only, so it must stay in the library. But you’re welcome to look through it.

B:Ok. And I’d like to check these books out.

through and through

A:All right. They’re due back next Wednesday.


B:Thanks for your help.

Waking Someone Up-(叫醒某人)

A:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up? and get out of bed.

B:Do I have to get up now?

through and through

A:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late.

B:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.
      你说什么呀? 我的闹钟都还没响呢?

A:Yes, it did. It went off? 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it?. You’re like a dead person while you sleep.

B:I must have slept right through it.

through and through的意思

A:Rise and shine?! Sleepyhead!

B:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.

A:The early bird gets the worm?.

B:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms.

A:Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effort now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you.
      哈!哈! 如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰

through and through 网络解释

1. 货真价实, 反复, 彻头彻尾:blest 神圣的, 成功的, 幸福的 | through and through 货真价实, 反复, 彻头彻尾 | kulakism 苏维埃政权下的土地私有制, 自留地

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 反复:through all eternities 永远 | through and through 反复 | through fair and foul 在任何情况下

3. 直通的:直通道路 through road | 直通的 through and through | 直通地 dead earth; dead ground

4. through and through在线翻译

4. 完全地:round and round 处处 | through and through 完全地 | hundreds and hundreds 数以百计

through and through 单语例句

1. We are in the business of growing the pie through efficiency improvement and that is what economic growth is all about.

2. Greater involvement should be provided to insurance companies through tax reductions, and favorable treatment in land and business operation fees.

3. The centre also offers business advice, work through government licensing and permit procedures and helps them find information about financing.

4. A member of Justin's entourage in another part of the suites heard them giggling and came through catching them in the act.

5. He urged the government to provide more support for SMEs through financing and tax means, such as waiving the business tax on the service sector.

6. Thus a business was controlled and managed mostly by family members and relatives, with support through networking with those in an established relationship of trust.

7. He traveled through bustling cities and sleepy towns, slept in lumberjacks'wood cabins and road maintenance workers'lodgings.

8. Line 2 is the city's first underground subway service and will pass through the city's busy downtown.

9. He had a growth of some kind on his butt and just got rid of it through surgery.

10. She led the early charge as the Germans cut through Japan's defence like butter and bombarded the goal with shots.

through and through的反义词

through and through 英英释义

through and through是什么意思


1. throughout the entire extent

    e.g. got soaked through in the rain
           I'm frozen through
           a letter shot through with the writer's personality
           knew him through and through
           boards rotten through and through

    Synonym: through

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