
throughput是什么意思 throughput在线翻译 throughput什么意思 throughput的意思 throughput的翻译 throughput的解释 throughput的发音 throughput的同义词

throughput [ˈθru:pʊt]  [ˈθruˌpʊt] 

throughput 基本解释

名词生产量,生产能力,吞吐量; 流率

throughput 网络解释

1. 吞吐量:系统处于良好的性能状态是指系统能够快速响应用户的请求,即系统响应时间短. 具体地说,响应时间是指发出请求的时刻到用户的请求的相应结果返回用户的时间间隔. 2)吞吐量(Throughput)

2. 生产量:测量代码(Itrumented code)能收集完整的应用轨迹,帮助我们计算剩余量(Latency)和生产量(Throughput)的状态,执行应用诊断等. 虽然在文章中,作者只是提到了如何将Volta应用到基于Web的Ajax类型应用和层剥离. 但是我们可以想象,

3. 吞吐率:流水线的性能 的主要指标是吞吐 率(throughput)、效 率(efficiency)、流水深 度(deep)以 及加速比(speedup). 超流水线(Super Pipeline)技术是RISC采用的一种并行处理技术. 他通过细化流水,增加级数和提高主频,

4. throughput是什么意思

4. 输出量:目前各家硬体厂商都宣称自家产品输出量(throughput)可以达到2Gigabit,甚至更高. 简兆宏并指出,以入侵侦测系统而言,由於硬体架构产品采用线内(in-line)模式,可做到软体做不到的封包解析(decode),进而降低传统IDS最为人诟病的误报问题.

throughput 词典解释

1. (组织、系统在一定时间内的)工作量,生产量,吞吐量
    The throughput of an organization or system is the amount of things it can do or deal with in a particular period of time.

    e.g. ...technologies which will allow us to get much higher throughput...
    e.g. There's still a reasonable throughput of business.

throughput 单语例句

1. Major Chinese ports are hopeful that rising domestic trade volumes would help them counter the continuous contractions in cargo throughput for overseas markets.

2. China now has the world's greatest shipping capacity, as its 20 ports each have an annual cargo throughput capacity exceeding 100 million tonnes.

3. Both Zhou and Wang forecast cargo and container throughput handled by Shenzhen ports will rise thanks to booming foreign trade in the Pearl River Delta.

4. Analysts believe that other Chinese ports will also see recoveries in their cargo flow and container throughput.

5. Shanghai already leads the world in total cargo throughput and is third in container traffic.

6. In 2007, cargo throughput of Qingdao port alone was seventh in the world and container throughput tenth.

7. Chevron and the CNPC plan to build two sour gas plants with a throughput capacity of 740 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.

8. Most of this is predicted to come from a port throughput of 70 million tons.

9. The Port of Kaohsiung is Taiwan's largest port and busiest transshipment hub, and handled about 70 percent of its total container throughput last year.

10. Shanghai port reported a new monthly record container throughput last month, the company which runs China's biggest port said in a statement Friday.

throughput 英英释义


1. output relative to input
    the amount passing through a system from input to output (especially of a computer program over a period of time)

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