
tidal wave是什么意思 tidal wave在线翻译 tidal wave什么意思 tidal wave的意思 tidal wave的翻译 tidal wave的解释 tidal wave的发音 tidal wave的同义词

tidal wave [ˈtaɪdl weiv]  [ˈtaɪdl wev] 

第三人称复数:tidal waves

tidal wave 基本解释

名词海啸; 潮汐波,浪潮; (情绪上的)大波动

tidal wave 网络解释

1. 潮波:大家熟悉的矮牵牛中的知名品种,波浪(Wave) 、潮波(Tidal Wave)、轻浪(Easy Wave)其实都是由麒麟园艺研发的. 此外培育出著名的重瓣长寿花品种Calandiva的Fides公司也隶属于麒麟集团. 在中国成立的麒麟农业生物公司与国内其他多家园艺公司都有着业务合作往来. (以上消息提供给有心人~呵呵)

2. tidal wave的反义词

2. 潮汐:在台湾衡量地震大小的规模都是用「芮氏地震级数」(Richter Scale),不久前的南亚海啸(tsunami)也才让我们亲眼看到地震所导致的强大潮汐(tidal wave)的威力.

3. 海啸:10 The Tip Of The Iceberg 冰山一角 | 11 Vanilla Twilight 香草星空 | 12 Tidal Wave 海啸

tidal wave 词典解释

1. 海啸;潮波;异常高的潮位
    A tidal wave is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and destroys things.

tidal wave在线翻译

    e.g. ...a massive tidal wave swept the ship up and away.

2. (感情、事物或人出现的)高潮期
    If you describe a very large number of emotions, things, or people as a tidal wave, you mean that they all occur at the same time.

tidal wave的意思

    e.g. The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole...
    e.g. The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy.

tidal wave 单语例句

1. The tidal wave can capsize boats and upset shipping in the bustling metropolis.

2. Desmond Tutu said recently that the tidal wave of change is made of up a million ripples.

3. A luxury ocean liner capsizes from a colossal tidal wave and passengers must fend for themselves to find a way out.

4. But verbal wrangles are so feeble in the face of the tidal wave that is commercial interests.

5. After years of riding the real estate tidal wave, property developers are being forced to adjust their stance.

6. But most lost anyway in a Republican tidal wave aided by the Tea Party movement.

7. Japan began reconsidering its energy plans after leaks at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant following an earthquake and a tidal wave in March last year.

8. Critics said much more assistance will be needed to prevent what is expected to be a tidal wave of foreclosures in the coming two years.

9. The danger of widening income disparities is that a tidal wave of rage against globalization is building.

10. The quake posed no danger of a seismic tidal wave, it said.

tidal wave 英英释义


1. a wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun

2. an unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide

3. an overwhelming manifestation of some emotion or phenomenon

    e.g. a tidal wave of nausea
           the flood of letters hit him with the force of a tidal wave
           a tidal wave of crime

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