
trailers是什么意思 trailers在线翻译 trailers什么意思 trailers的意思 trailers的翻译 trailers的解释 trailers的发音 trailers的同义词



trailers 基本解释

拖车( trailer的名词复数 );追踪者;<美>汽车拖的居住车;预告片;

trailers 网络解释

1. 拖车:移动机器人是机器人学的一个重要研究对象,该文研究一种特殊类型的移动机器人系统,它由一系列相互铰链在一起的轮式刚体小车组成,运行在一个平面上.通常这种系统包含一个牵引车(Tractor)和由之拖动的多个拖车(Trailers),牵引车位于系统最前端,

2. 预告片:虽然内容相当广泛和多样,但似乎是以预告片(trailers)为主. 华纳兄弟公司正在采取一种创新方法去展现界面. 在下载和安装了Exit Reality的小插件后,所有东西都可以以传统的2Dflash方式或3D模式来观看.

3. 震尾:断层迹 trail of the fault | 震尾 trailers | 归并现象 trailing


trailers 单语例句

1. Expertly paced trailers released over the past few months revealed nothing, and unannounced screenings in select cities created more buzz.

2. Sheryl Crow's rider demands for her Stop Global Warming College Tour included four buses, six cars and three tractor trailers for her staff.

3. The economic effects of a Hollywood film can be felt long after the camera crews have packed up their trailers and departed.

4. A note of warning in the film's posters and publicity trailers could have saved the parents from unnecessary embarrassment and their children from unwanted exposure.

5. Waxman said FEMA was obligated to monitor formaldehyde levels in a sample of trailers rather than respond only to specific complaints.

6. Democrats and Republicans criticized the Federal Emergency Management Agency for its limited inspections or tests of trailers whose occupants reported various respiratory problems.

7. Different films have different marketing campaign plans, so they vary in the requirements for the production of trailers.

8. The trailers of the film mocking Prophet Mohammed available on video sharing website YouTube sparked violent protests and evoked condemnations worldwide.

9. The film opens in cinemas on the mainland on Aug 21, and is being billed as " the Wall Street of Imperial China " in promotion trailers.

10. It consists of trailers and light structures, although courts have issued demolition orders repeatedly for the outpost.

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