
trooper是什么意思 trooper在线翻译 trooper什么意思 trooper的意思 trooper的翻译 trooper的解释 trooper的发音 trooper的同义词 trooper的反义词

trooper [ˈtru:pə(r)]  [ˈtrupɚ] 


trooper 基本解释

名词伞兵; (低军衔的)骑兵; 运兵船

trooper 相关例句


1. He became a trooper in the Royal Tank Regiment.

trooper 网络解释

1. trooper的反义词

1. 警員 (無警章):Chief of Department = 局总警监 | TROOPER = 警员 (无警章) | TROOPER FIRST CLASS = 一级警员

2. 对坦克特别有用,行动慢. 可攻击飞机:Light Infantry:最基本的兵种. | Trooper:对坦克特别有用,行动慢. 可攻击飞机. | Engineer:控制敌方建筑,行动慢.

3. 部队运输船军队运输船:trooper 部队运输船 | trooper 部队运输船军队运输船 | trooper 运兵船

trooper 词典解释

1. 骑兵;装甲团士兵
    A trooper is a soldier of low rank in the cavalry or in an armoured regiment in the army.

    e.g. ...a trooper from the 7th Cavalry...
    e.g. 'Where to, Corporal?' asked Trooper Fane respectfully.

2. (美国)州警(察)
    In the United States, a trooper is a police officer in a state police force.


    e.g. Once long ago he had considered becoming a state trooper.

3. see also: storm trooper

trooper 单语例句

1. The general manager at Centurion has become a regular Star Trooper after playing for a company outing.

2. The dead were found at multiple scenes, state trooper Keith Leary said at a news conference.

3. In an affidavit filed with the Vermont District Court in Chelsea, a state trooper said Dillon was apologetic and cooperative.

4. With nowhere to take it, the body was then left on the hood of a battered Isuzu Trooper.

5. " Her questions were how can a trooper who behaves this way still be working, " Grimes said.

6. When the judge sustained an objection to the prolonged questioning the state trooper, the lawyers cheered.

7. Beijingers looking to have a blast on the weekend should set their sites on the Star Trooper Laser Tag center.

8. Trooper Rick Carlson said the driver kept going until flames engulfed the truck and she had to jump out.

9. The man stopped abruptly several times in the street and then sped up quickly, until the trooper bumped him on one of the stops.

10. " I'm in the middle of a tornado, " Sadler said the trooper reported.

trooper 英英释义



1. a soldier mounted on horseback

    e.g. a cavalryman always takes good care of his mount

    Synonym: cavalryman

2. a soldier in a motorized army unit

    Synonym: cavalryman

3. a mounted policeman

4. a state police officer

    Synonym: state trooper

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